2 In craft time/ DIY/ get crafty/ home decor/ homemade

turn your baby into a picasso :: tutorial

I love finding new ways to keep my little man occupied and learning new things! This is by far one of my favorite (and probably messiest) activities. Here’s step by step instructions on how to turn your little one into a bonafide Picasso!

1. Painted a canvas a solid color.

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2. Then once it is dry, use blue painters tape to mark off the canvas. If you want to get really crisp lines, paint over the painters tape with another coat of the same color paint. This will seal in any cracks with the same color paint as what is underneath – preventing bleeding.

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3. After your paint dries, give the canvas to your little one and let them go to town (I forgot to paint over my tape… you’ll notice my lines are not very crisp in the finished project)! I gave my son 3 different colors and a foam brush. He is obviously painting on a surface that I do not mind getting paint on, and he’s nakey 🙂

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4. Once he had covered the whole canvas with the paints (I may have had to encourage him to paint in certain areas… haha), you are almost done!

5. While the paint is still wet, peel the tape off. It is important to peel the paint off while it is wet. This will create crisp lines without removing dried on paint.

6. Viola!!

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  • MaryAnn
    September 24, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    My son loves to draw

  • Sindy Murray
    September 24, 2014 at 10:36 am

    I think I may have to borrow this idea. You have a real Picasso in your house!