2 In around the house/ get crafty/ organize

tips to help you organize based on your personality

Have you ever been in a scenario where someone is explaining how they do something and it sounds like an alien language to you? This happens to me sometimes. This type of situation happens frequently when two different personality types attempt to solve a problem. While one personality may see a solution one way, another personality could see things in a completely different light.  Now, I am sure there is some part of your house that needs organized or de-cluttered.

Believe it or not, this type of personality clash also applies to how you organize and declutter your home. In fact, organizing based on your personality can help you get much better results – and feel less stressed about your home’s clutter.

Have a look at all sorts of great personality-based organization tips and see how they will help you to clean out the clutter in your home.

Personality Type: Planner & Supervisor
As a planner or supervisor, you thrive by setting up systematic plans of action toward completing a longer-term goal.

When it comes to getting your home organized, planners should set up a prioritized list of “projects” to complete. For example, you could set short-term goals of cleaning your garage with the longer-term goal of buying a storage cabinet to keep everything orderly. You can set milestones, map out the process, and monitor your results.

Personality Type: Impulsive & Spontaneous
While an impulsive personality is certainly energetic, this energy is often drained when it comes to time-consuming projects like organizing and cleaning. What this means is that decluttering can be left unaddressed for long periods – making the problem even worse!

The key to success as an impulsive and spontaneous personality is to break cleaning down into quick and easy segments. Spend 5 minutes on cleaning an area like your laundry room cabinets. When you keep your cleaning broken up into these bits, you’ll be much more likely to keep at it.

Personality Type: Perfectionist
The perfectionist always wants everything to be exactly how she/he envisions it. Of course, this can become a problem as a perfectionist may put off cleaning as an all-or-nothing affair.

If this sounds like you, one of the best methods to declutter and organize is to set clear expectations in smaller-scales and complete those tasks. For instance, you could commit to organizing your linen cabinet so that grabbing and putting away towels will be easier. When you set clear parameters on your goals, you’re more likely to complete them.

Personality Type: Creative & Independent
As a so-called ‘free spirit,’ a creative personality may allow the clutter to get out of control and mistakenly think it’s part of who they are. However, even creative people need to have some organization in place to keep their stress and anxiety at bay.

Because you’re much more expressive, simple to-do lists and standard cleaning routines won’t work for a creative personality. Instead, give yourself outlets such as a self-designed calendar, corkboard, or other space to write down your organizational goals. From there, organize to keep things open and accessible while remaining neatly arranged and orderly.

What type of personality do you think you would be to organize your house?  Where do you fall in with this?

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  • Danielle S
    June 12, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    I’m a cross between Impulsive & Spontaneous and a Perfectionist. I guess I just wish for more storage space.

  • Dagmar
    June 11, 2016 at 2:09 pm

    I love this!! My house really needs an organization update