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go green (or red or pink or blue) with reusable lunchskins by reuseit :: review

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RU_logo_125x125 This is my first year of having a full-time student. I have never before had to pack a lunch each morning and was kind of appalled at how many plastic bags we were going through each week. It seemed like a huge waste and not very green. And green is good. So when I read about LunchSkins by Reuseit, I was pretty gung ho about the concept. A bag that I can use for my daughter’s lunch that she can bring home each day and I can use over and over (and over) again?? Where’s the dotted line? I’ll sign right now!

I was truly impressed by the three LunchSkins bags we received. I LOVE the patterns (there are SO many cute ones to choose from) and the material of the bags is thick without being bulky. I can tell that we will be using these bags for a long time. My favorite part of the bags is that they are dishwasher safe so you can just throw them in with your nightly post-dinner load and be all set for the morning. The material dries quickly and is grease-proof (just in case you break the “delicious and nutritious” rule every once in a while). The velcro is super strong so anything that is inside will stay inside through lunch and even beyond if your kid is anything like my daughter and only eats half of her goldfish crackers. And of course, it is free of toxins so your kids’ food is safe from chemicals. There is even a spot for you to print your kiddo’s name in case they do accidentally misplace their bag in the cafeteria. lunchskins

Reuseit offers a full variety of lunch bags to fit all of your lunchtime needs. They also have a Waste-Free Lunch category so that you can eliminate any number of throwaway items (straws, squeezable pouches, napkins, you name it!). We received a reusable snack bag, a reusable sandwich bag, and a reusable BIG bag (which fits my daughter’s favorite snack, SkinnyPop popcorn, perfectly). I am so excited to finally cross “plastic baggies” off my grocery list. I love that my daughter’s lunch has more pizzaz and less plastic. She loves the fun designs of the bags (and so do her friends). I can’t wait to order a set for my son’s lunchbox when he moves from preschool to kindergarten!

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LunchSkins reusable big bag :: $10.95
LunchSkins sandwich bag :: $8.95
LunchSkins snack bag :: $7.85

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  • REK981
    November 22, 2013 at 11:20 am

    I am really interested in checking out the reusable straws on that site and expanding out bento collection!