3 In money saving tips/ theSIMPLEmoms

creative summer childcare :: camps

summer camp crafts

Last week on Facebook a friend was asking for suggestions for summer childcare options for her kids. The two daycare places she had priced out were ridiculously high for a single week for her kids. Honestly, it was probably going to end up costing her more money per week to send the kids to daycare than she would make working those weeks.

I’m very thankful that I am able to stay home with my kids year round but I will readily admit that sometimes even us SAHMs need a break. So, here’s my brilliant suggestions for creative summer childcare: Camp.

baking cookies at camp

Before you get in a tizzy thinking that I’m suggesting that everyone ships their kids off for a full summer of camp, let me clarify. There are may options offered by our favorite local camp and I am sure that many parents all over the country can find options much like these in their areas as well. Everything from parent and child camps, to day camp, a single day of activities, to multiple weeks. The key is finding the right fit for your family.

First let’s discuss the traditional overnight, or resident, camps. You can find these types of camps for just about every type of interest and specialty. If you want suggestions ask around. Friends, schools, churches, and family are a great way to find a camp that is in the area you desire or that provides programming you want.

camp collage

In my opinion day camps are the perfect answer for a more realistic whole summer care option as well as for kids who aren’t quite ready for overnight camp. Our favorite camp is an all-girls overnight camp called Camp Newaygo in Newaygo, Michigan. My kids aren’t quite ready for the Girls Resident Camp yet but the Co-Ed Day Camp programs will easily wear them out each day and keep them having fun.

If Day Camp is something you’d be interested in look for local programs in unexpected places as well. Children’s museums, gyms, churches, public museums, botanical gardens, heritage parks, schools (I’ve heard of charter and private schools that have summer day camp programs), and even nature centers are all great places to start.

fishing at camp

If you’d like more info about Camp Newaygo featured above in the photos you can visit their website here.

What creative summer childcare have you come up with that worked?

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  • katie
    May 21, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    I didn’t think of camps hosted by other places like museums that would be so cool! My daughter won’t be at camp for a few years but that gives me more time to research what’s in my area.

    • Carinn
      May 26, 2016 at 9:57 am

      So glad it gave you some good ideas! My kids are into that day camp phase (obviously) so I have noticed all the different options that we encounter throughout the year. Hope you find some good choices in your area!

  • Kidton
    May 19, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    Very helpful article…