11 In around the house/ clean it up/ get healthy/ health

3 day potty training :: completed :: did it work?

potty training complete

3 day potty training

This picture sums things up. Captain Underpants finally got it. I really shouldn’t say “finally”, but it was a long couple of days. BUT, it was only DAYS!  I potty trained my other two over the course of months. We stopped, we started, we had good days, we regressed. This 3 day potty training method is intense, but now that I’m on this side of it, I am pretty geeked that it worked.

One “side effect” that I’ve not read about (and yes I googled it and came up short) was that my Charlie is super clingy and for the first time in his entire life he sobbed when I dropped him off at his kid’s club at the gym. The worker looked at me and said, “What did you do to him? Charlie never cries.” Oh no, I  broke my always easy going kid! I THINK that this potty training boot camp was giving the poor kid some anxiety. 1) It wasn’t our norm for me to be hovering over him every waking minute of the day watching for potty signals. 2) We stayed home (mostly) for 3 days and went to the bathroom over and over. I think my Charlie’s world got a little shaken up. He’s like his mother, we are creatures of habit.

There was an AHA moment for us. It didn’t come until Day 4, BUT when Charlie started to get weird and clingy I decided to step back a little and add some of our normal routine back into our day. IF we had followed the book to a T, I do believe it would have been 3 days. Let me recap how our days went:


read DAY 1 post

DAY 2-

It was a horrible, terrible, very sad day. The 3 day potty training book is very good about expressing the importance of positivity and I put on a fake smile, but day 2 was hard. He was getting underwear damp every 5 minutes and 32 seconds, but would not go potty on the toilet. He had the urge to go, but froze up when we got there. I fudged the rules and put him in a diaper for nap and bedtime. Besides little drops here and there, the kid didn’t go to the bathroom until he was asleep for his nap and then for the night. Bladder of steal!

DAY 3-

This was supposed to be the magical day where he was suddenly potty trained. Emotionally this was his toughest day and we backed off a bit on the frequent runs to the restroom and bribes of M&M’s if he went to the bathroom. Strangely enough, he had no trouble with #2 (so we had that success on day 3), but he was really hung up on relaxing and going #1. We’d get a dribble here and there and that was it.

11214129_10155595998705472_7159965033042051864_nDAY 4-

I sought the advice of my fellow simple moms and they told me it took til day 4 or 5 for some of their kids. It really depends on the kid. They encouraged me to hang in there. I’m so glad I did. Ok, I’m not proud of this, but I had to figure out a way to make Charlie go to the bathroom. Not dribbles, but pee like a racehorse. We went about our day and when I picked him up from kids club at my gym he said “poopers”. He went in a public bathroom like it was old hat. I made a big deal out of it, but the kid still wasn’t going #1. Soooooo……(I know, this is super terrible)…..but I got him a large coke from McDonalds and let him drink the whole thing. It was his reward for is #2 victory. It almost backfired because he fell asleep in big boy underwear in the car. However, when he woke up, he had to go! And GO he did. I saw the peace wash over his face when he realized he was using the potty like a big boy. We have the coolest secret handshake (high fives and fist bumps) when he has success, and from day 4 on we’ve had very few accidents and LOTS and LOTS of practice of our victory handshake in our tiny bathroom.

We still do diapers at night because he’s only 24 months old and doesn’t wake up dry. That’s okay, he’s got a tiny 2 year old bladder.

Sunday was our big test of our success. He stayed dry through his Sunday School class and during church. He even wore big boy undies for his nap and did great. I’ll be reviewing our favorite big boy undies from Conni Kids in the very near future.

Final thoughts would be that I’m thrilled we survived and had success. I do think I may have been a tiny bit premature to take it on when he just turned 2 since he got a bit emotional through the process, but you know your child. Give it 3 days (or 4 if you know you fudged the rules a bit) and hopefully you too will have success. If not, take 30 days to reset and access if it’s time to try it again.

I must highly recommend the toilet seat with the built in potty seat. I like life to be as convenient as possible and these are practical with a capital P! We have both of these seats in our two bathrooms and I like them equally. I used to cringe when we would have company and wonder if they were removing a potty seat before they could use our restroom. Most people don’t even notice it’s a combination toilet seat.


Good Luck! You’ve got this!


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  • brenda disimone
    September 10, 2015 at 12:15 am

    A Proud moment, congrats !

  • Natalie Brown
    June 1, 2015 at 12:03 am

    I so wish there had been help like this while my son was growing up. He’s 28 now and potty-training his 2 1/2 year old. I remember starting in an intense but positive way like this around age 2 for 3-4 days. He still had accidents here and there. He was fully trained by around 2 1/2 but still had #1 accidents at night for awhile after that. Thank-you for sharing your experience. 🙂

  • Tammy Woodall
    May 28, 2015 at 1:35 pm

    This is great. I love the picture. It reminded me of him receiving a gold medal on the Olympic Podium. That picture will definitely be a keeper. Congratulations by the way,

    • Ginny
      May 28, 2015 at 6:04 pm

      It was a moment that I got lucky to capture. You’d think by my third it would be no big deal, but every kid we successful train feels like a huge victory. Thanks for the congrats. lol.

  • Robin W
    May 27, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    First may I say what a handsome little guy he is! So proud and you can see it on his face. It took me months with my son, but with pull-ups it wasn’t so bad. He only had one “#2” accident. I would imagine that it did cause him some anxiety. Please let us know how things go when everything is back to normal.

    • Ginny
      May 27, 2015 at 6:50 pm

      Robin, you are so sweet. You are a mom and you know that look of joy when your child has done something they are proud of. I was proud too. I did pull-up’s for a few months with my other two as well. It wasn’t horrible, but it did feel drawn out (for me). Nothing wrong with either way of going about it.
      I’m still getting extra snuggles, but Charlie is returning to his happy self. Our new normal is no diapers and he’s doing great. As you know, it’s really liberating to be done with the diaper scene.

  • Danielle Royalegacy
    May 27, 2015 at 10:40 am

    My daughter’s little girl is only one year old this month, but I am going to recommend this book to her.

    • Ginny
      May 27, 2015 at 6:52 pm

      It’s a great resource. They say to wait until 22 months to start. She’s got a few months to read the book. 🙂

      • Danielle Royalegacy
        May 27, 2015 at 7:25 pm

        I talked to her about it today, and she is considering it.

  • Kim
    May 27, 2015 at 9:54 am

    YAY!!!!! I just potty trained my 2.5 year old a couple months ago using this method. It took her about 4 days to get the hang of it as well! SO worth all the emotional ups and downs! I don’t even have to worry about taking her places! Best potty training method out there!

    • Ginny
      May 27, 2015 at 6:43 pm

      Congrats! It’s really a shock when it works because it seems like it is NOT working and then boom! I didn’t know about the method with my other two.