In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear/ in the kitchen

slide/stairs/highchair all in one with UpWeeGo!

This is a Kickstarter campaign for UpWeGo. I am writing this promoting with the hopes
of receiving an UpWeGo in the event of them reaching their fundraising goal. 


I can not tell you the number of times I have lifted my 2 year old into his high chair, only to have my back protest in pain! That is why I’m so excited about the new UpWeeGo highchair. With built in stairs, this highchair allows a child to climb into the chair all on their own! Sounds pretty intriguing doesn’t it!? 🙂


Not only are the stairs integrated with a highchair, but they can also be attached to a fun slide for your child to use! Yep, function and fun meet in the UpWeeGo! If you live in a small home, having a multifunctional children’s product is amazing… we all know kids have a lot of STUFF – condense it!

If you are interested in helping fund this amazing product, check out the Kickstarter campaign and see how you can receive your very own UpWeeGo! 🙂


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