In health

how to help your older child adjust to a new baby

Is there about to be a new member added to your family? 

Having a baby is super exciting, and preparing for a new baby in the house can be super hectic. There are rooms to decorate, cribs to build, and spaces to baby-proof. But, amidst all of this chaos and preparation, you can’t forget one thing: you need to prepare the children you already have for the arrival of the new baby. 
sibling love
If your “older” children are still toddlers, there’s not much you need to do to prepare them. However, if your kids are a bit older, it can feel like a bit of a shock to have a new member in the household who is crying all the time and taking up all of Mom’s attention. 

So, how do you help your older child adjust to the arrival of a new baby? 

Check out this guide to learn how it’s done. 

1. Explain the Reason Why You’re Having Another Baby 

The most common issue with having another baby is that older siblings feel jealous and as if they’re being replaced. 

It’s very important that you let your children know that this is not the case. So, when you explain to them why you’re having another baby, make sure to give it a positive spin that they’ll understand and say something like, “We wanted to have another baby so you could have a sibling and have someone to play with”. 

Then, try to illustrate some positive experiences that come with having a new baby. For example, once your child gets home from school, then they’ll always have someone to play with. Or, tell them that because of the new baby, they’ll get to be mommy’s little helper.

2. Encourage Your Child’s Connection to the Baby

It’s important that your child feels a connection to the baby early on. 

You can do this by:

  • Referring to the baby as “your sister/brother” or “our baby”
  • Reading books and articles with your child about pregnancy and childbirth. is a great resource to start with. 
  • Taking your child with you to the doctor to feel the baby’s heartbeat
  • Letting your child help pick out furniture, clothing, etc
  • Letting your child help decorate the baby’s room
  • Brainstorming potential baby names together
  • Packing your bag for the hospital together

sibling help
Involve your older children in preparations for the baby

3. Let Your Child Express Their Feelings 

It’s completely normal for your child to get angry and upset over the arrival of the new baby. These emotions may occur before the baby is born and continue after the baby is born. 

It’s very important that you let your child express their range of feelings about having a new family member, even if they aren’t always positive. When your child expresses their feelings, make sure that you sympathize with them and let them know that you still love and care about them just as much. 

And, make sure you still schedule “special” time with your child one-on-one when the baby is with dad or another family member. This way, your child will know that they’re still very special to you. 

With these tips in mind, it should be much easier to bring a new baby into the household. Before you know it, your child and your new baby will be inseparable. 

If you have any questions about helping your older child adjust to a new baby, let us know in the comments below. 

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