11 In baby gear/ organize/ theSIMPLEmoms

what to pack in your hospital bag when delivering your baby :: information

Having a baby is super exciting and terrifying all at the same time.  I have opted to have all my babies in the hospital, and baby #4 is going to be no different.  It’s funny how things change over time.  When I was having my 1st, I had my hospital bag packed WELL in advance.  Here I am at 38 weeks, and I have just now started thinking about what to bring.  Eek!  Let the freaking out begin, because I couldn’t remember what was necessary and what wasn’t.

That’s what got me thinking about this post.  I have put together 10 things that I think every bag should have when preparing to head to the hospital – your hospital bag if you will.

what to pack in your hospital bagNow, to mention, every hospital is different.  Some offer items that others don’t, and vice versa.  So, prepare how you know! 😉  If you aren’t sure, make calls to your hospital or talk to friends.  Don’t be afraid to ask anything 🙂

  1. To start with, you need a great sized bag, not too big, not too small.  My ideal bag is from Vera Bradley.  The Weekender is awesome as well as a small duffel would work too.  In addition, I recently purchased a phenomenal camera bag for my DSLR from Lily Ryan Shop.  Great prices and a perfect sized bag!
  2. A Boppy pillow or another nursing pillow brand if you are going to be breast feeding.  While they offer pillows, it’s just so much more comfortable (and less germy in my opinion) to bring my own.  Plus, I want to start off with what I’ll be using at home 🙂
  3. A good chapstick.  You never know when you will need it and to be without, it’s torture!  Also, a good hair tie.
  4. Your camera.  Pack it now.  If you forget this, you will cry!  And while you are at it, grab your camera charger as well.
  5. Your cell phone AND charger.
  6. Snacks for yourself and your spouse or whoever will be helping you throughout labor. You can’t ever plan on knowing what may or may not be there. If it’s a long labor, you all will want snacks for sure.
  7. Comfortable clothes to go home in.  I’m talking stretchy pants people!!
  8. Bathroom toiletries.  I remember taking my first shower after having each of my babies, and it felt SO wonderful because I had all my essentials with me.  I didn’t have to use any knock off brand that I wasn’t used to.  It again, was predictable.
  9. Comfortable clothes for while you are there if you don’t want to wear those smashingly fashionable hospital gowns.  See again, #7.  Stretchy pants.  And a top that is breast feeding capable.  Also, be sure to bring clothes for your spouse/partner/helper!  In addition, some have said they aren’t provided with undergarments while there.  I suggest packing some of those as well. I have always been given disposable ones.
  10. A list of people to call.  You may think you will NEVER forget great Aunt Sally, but in the moment of excitement, I can guarantee you, you’d probably forget to call your own mother-in-law if she wasn’t already waiting for you anxiously outside your door 🙂  An idea from a reader….she sent out a group text before her delivery even started so she didn’t have to think about it the day of.  GREAT idea!!

Some items that my hospital has covered in the past but hasn’t been covered at others include ::

  1. Tucks pads.
  2. Cream for your “ladies” while you begin nursing.  Let’s face it, it can definitely get painful!
  3. Ice pack for the down there area.
  4. Nursing pads.

All right, so what did I miss?  Talk to me!!

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  • Rachael
    June 15, 2014 at 7:18 pm

    You can never go wrong with a heating pad or (electric) blanket!!!
    Also a robe especially a super fluffy one if your hospital is cold (mine is, even in winter) it’s comfy for breastfeeding.

  • Leslie
    February 3, 2014 at 7:53 am

    You did forget to mention a coming home outfit for baby.

    • Shannon :: owner
      March 9, 2014 at 2:34 pm

      Gosh – how could I forget that!! 🙂

  • Ivy
    January 22, 2014 at 9:44 am

    How about lipbalm. ‘Cause it can get pretty huffy&puffy! And dextrose, for some extra sugary energy. I did not feel like eating anything but did need to keep up my sugar level a bit! Worked great! (You could also disolve them in some water if you don’t like the consistency (like me!)

    • Shannon :: owner
      March 9, 2014 at 2:34 pm

      Oh yes, those are great additions too Ivy!

  • Molly
    January 19, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    Pain reliever for the hubby that might be staying with you and sleeping on a very uncomfortable cot or chair. My hospital would not give him any because he wasn’t the patient!

    • Shannon :: owner
      March 9, 2014 at 2:35 pm

      Very good point!

  • Brailey
    January 17, 2014 at 11:28 am

    I would suggest your breast pump I you are planning on nursing and its not your first baby! I was super full and had to pump multiple times during our stay, but thankfully my hospital let me store my milk there so it wasn’t wasted bc the first stuff is the good stuff! And clothes and things for baby of course! 🙂 but great list! I always forget forget snacks for my hubby :-/ I wasn’t allowed to eat though!! Torture for a pregnant mommy in labor!! Lol

    • Shannon :: owner
      March 9, 2014 at 2:35 pm

      I never really thought about that – that’s a great addition Brailey!

  • Ginny
    January 7, 2014 at 12:19 am

    I was given an after birth “kit” that made no sense to me until I had my first.

    Lanacane Spray
    Stool softener (take right away if hospital doesn’t give you it)
    Sitz bath or Peri bottle (usually provided by hospital) cuz TP is not cool when you are hurting.

    • Shannon :: owner
      March 9, 2014 at 2:36 pm

      so, so, SO true!!