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what are other moms thinking about WaterWipes + 5 things you can do this germy season {#WaterWipes #IC ad}

“I participated in an Ambassador Activation on behalf of Influence Central for WaterWipes. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

As you all know, we love sharing things with you all that we PERSONALLY love. And, as you have seen over this year, we have been sharing some great things continuously. One of them being WaterWipes, the wipes we ONLY use now since learning so much about them. In case you are new to the blog, I want to catch you up. You can see my introduction to WaterWipes HERE, and a follow up post on how we are using WaterWipes HERE.

Today, I have to share with you something pretty cool. I’m not the only Mom making the switch for her family. WaterWipes just released a pretty cute video I thought you all could relate to oh. so. well.

Such little time we have with our little ones. They grow up way too fast!

IMG_0172In the hustle and bustle of this season, let’s not forget to slow down and smell the roses together. I was forced in to this as 2 of my little ones came down with a cold this past week. Lots of cuddles, lots of germ wiping, and lots of reading.

On that note though, I wanted to share with you some things we are doing to keep MORE germs away, and less chemicals out of our house this busy time of year. As you know, WaterWipes are chemical free, with only two ingredients. So, they are for sure on the list I’m about to share with you!

  1. Wash hands often, but especially before we eat. And absolutely no putting your mouth on the water fountains at school.
  2. Cover mouths when coughing, with your arm. Same with sneezes.
  3. Don’t share ANY food these days. Not even chapstick! We do that a little too often here, so it’s an easy one for my kids to do out of habit.
  4. All wipes have been replaced with WaterWipes. They are water and a smidge of an oil, with NO preservatives. We are using these for things outside of diapers changes too these days (although, I don’t know if it’s something they promote heavily).
  5. Drink LOTS of water. It’s just good for them! Limit the sugary drinks, because sugar and germs love each other.
  6. WHAT ELSE? What am I missing…talk to me!

Oh yes…and I’m gifting WaterWipes this season to teachers and babysitters. I mean, how perfect is this? Spreading the good news and hopefully, the dismissal of germs!5 ways to rid your life of germs

Have you looked to see where you can purchase WaterWipes near you? You can always pick them up online, at places such as Amazon, but you can also pick them up in store!

Also, go ahead, click on over and see what all the excitement is over WaterWipes. I’d love to hear your thoughts – leave a comment below!

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  • Sarah Hayes
    December 14, 2015 at 3:33 pm

    Ive been wanting to try these. They seem like a great product and I know other moms that really like them too.

    • Shannon
      December 14, 2015 at 10:22 pm

      They are so great, in my opinion. Less is more in my book! 🙂