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true citrus :: teacher appreciation gift idea :: sweepstakes

disclaimer no giveawayHow are those New Year’s Resolutions treating you? I LOVE coke something fierce. In years past, I would drink a can a day. Last year I slowly cut coke out of my life, but I miss it. As I get older, I can’t outrun my bad diet with extra cardio at the gym. I have had to learn to replace some bad habits with  better choices. While I have never duplicated an ice cold coke with something equally as delicious, I do feel much better when I drink a healthy amount of water each day.

Do I like water? Actually, no. I force myself to drink it. I know it makes me feel better, but I only desire a glass of ice water when I’ve been working in the hot sun for hours on end. I realize that means I’m dehydrated and I should have had water far before I got to that point. I do enjoy True Citrus in my water. I like ALL of their flavors as well. It helps me defeat my complex about drinking boring water. My favorite flavor is limeade, but peach lemonade, watermelon, and lemonade is quite tasty too. The packets mix with 16 oz. of water.

They also have packets to add to your tea, smoothie, etc. that equal one squeezed lime or lemon. I’m discovering many possibilities for True Citrus products! HERE are recipe ideas.

teacher appreciation tag

right click to save the picture for print

I know Teacher Appreciation is a little ways away (Tuesday, May 2), but it’s never to early too start pinning ideas. I recently grabbed the Contigo cups that were on sale at Costco. I like to have them on hand for creative, frugal gifts. My child’s teacher has been on a fitness journey this year and I wanted to help her, not sabotage her with a high calorie gift. I filled a water bottle with all the True Citrus flavors and I slipped this easy to print note inside the cup: “Thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge.” Keep your eyes open for cute water bottles and feel free to use this free printable tag to slip inside!

Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!

true lemon


30 day challengeHead over to True Citrus. They have a sweestakes, promotional offers, and a fitness challenge. Are you familiar with The Biggest Loser coach, Kim Lyons? She’s working with True Citrus and helping people make this year their healthiest year yet!

True Citrus is hosting a sweepstakes from now until February 9. sweepstakes
For more information, to sign up for the challenge and sweepstakes, and get special promotional offers, visit www.truelemon.com/trueyouchallenge 

I’m rooting for one of our SIMPLE readers to win this sweepstakes! Keep on with your New Year’s resolutions for a healthier year and add True Lemon products to your life.

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  • Nancy
    February 8, 2017 at 11:40 am

    True Citrus products are my go to items for make water taste better!