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tips on creating the perfect care package, teachers in mind this time! {#kleenexcare}

“Acts of kindness are cool, so I did some! Kleenex® Brand products were a part of this sponsored post for Socialstars, all opinions are still my own. #KleenexCare”

Being thought of is a special, special thing. It gives not only the person that’s being thought of warm fuzzies, but the person doing the thinking, and taking the time to share their thoughts, warm fuzzies too. I don’t know about you, but when someone takes the time to call me, or text me, or send me an email, or stop by and drop off a care package without me even knowing, I feel like 500% more productive that day. I feel appreciated!!

With that in mind, last fall I did a “thinking of you” craft/gift for my daughter’s teacher. My daughter loved giving it and I loved taking the time to make it. It was simple, yet the outcome was super as all parties involved had smiles on their faces because of this simple act of kindness. So, I thought I would put together a little somethin’ somethin’ for you again this year!

tips for creating the perfect care package

Two of my girls are in elementary school right now. The weather is beginning to get really crummy. In addition to that, conferences are coming up soon at their school. That being said, I thought their teachers could use a little pick me up! Here are some ideas that I used, as well as some points you can use in creating your own little “thinking of you/care package” for that special someone in your life. Or the teacher. Or the bus driver….You get the point 🙂

Candy. And if you want to be super special, take the time to learn what the recipient’s favorite candy is! My 5-year old’s teacher loves chocolate. Any form. So, yah. Easy. But, if you don’t know, just put together a variety. I’m sure they will find something they love in there!

Mints and Lip Balm. Personally, I don’t like to spend my money on practical things. I’d rather spend my money on fun things! Yet, practical is completely necessary. So, we give them! I am in LOVE with the silly lookin’ round ball of lip balm right now. There are so many colorful options, yet I think almost anyone likes a sort of flavor that tingles on their lips. Here in Michigan, I don’t know anyone that doesn’t get chapped lips in this lovely weather. So, practical for the win.practical gifting essentials

Kleenex®. They are teachers of kids. Need I say more? Can you IMAGINE the amount of Kleenex® the teachers go through? Everything from a runny nose to…gosh, who really knows what goes in those at school!! It’s one less box the teacher now has to purchase. The cold and flu season will hopefully be a little easier to approach with more Kleenex® Brand tissues on hand. I’m sure you can’t ever have enough of this in a classroom!hello runny nose season

Oh, I totally have to mention, since we are on the topic of the Kleenex Brand. You too can joint he “Share the Kleenex Care” movement!

One small act of kindness can help brighten the world.

This cold and flu season, show people how much they mean to you by sharing the Kleenex® care. Give a Kleenex® Tissue to someone who needs it, and see what a difference it can make. Together, we’ll spread kindness far and wide!

Remember to share with #KleenexCare

Show you care and share a Kleenex!! It’s an easy peasy way to show you care 🙂

Knick Knacks. Not to be confused with junk you don’t want, or would want to be given. 🙂 I had received a few items that I had been saving for something or someone special. It seemed to fit well for them, so I put it all together! Voila – and done!
finishing touches

That’s what I have for you today!

What random acts of kindness could you see yourself pulling off today? Or sometime soon? What could you see yourself doing with Kleenex…out of curiosity! Talk to me!!

Also, What ideas do you have for me that I can “stick a pin in” and save for late? I love giving, so I’m always looking for fun, practical and even not practical ideas. Tell me what ya got!

gifting to teachers

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  • James Robert
    November 8, 2014 at 9:57 am

    What a nice package and I might add, the kleenex is awesome. I try sending a couple boxes a month with my daughter for school. I know they use so much as it will help her out,

    • Shannon
      November 9, 2014 at 4:20 pm

      Yah, something so little for us to think about, but goodness, it probably adds up SO fast!! Thank you! 🙂