2 In around the house

the ONE thing i learned with my first child, and carried over to my next three…

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Babywise.life. All opinions are my own.

Being a first time parent is tricky. I mean, I didn’t really grow up taking care of and experiencing the baby phase. I loved to babysit. I absolutely LOVED the babies, but they were always a little older once I had a chance to babysit them. Not newborns.

When my husband and I found out we were expecting, five years into our marriage, it was a complete shock. We hadn’t planned to have kids yet, but at the same time, we were SO excited!! As soon as reality hit that we were going to be responsible for another little human, the research began. And I mean HARD research. When does the baby eat? When does the baby sleep? When do I breastfeed? Do I bottle or breast feed? Do I rock or not rock. Ahhh!!!

The biggest issue we wanted answer to, and answers stat was sleep. So, let’s talk sleep. HELLO SLEEP! We can’t ever get enough of this, especially when you have a newborn. Heck, the newborns sleep way more than we do as parents, and we still are required to figure out how to function as the world is STILL going on around us. That was the realization I came to as soon as our first baby came home. The “new” normal and how was I going to create it for our family? There are SO many factors that contribute to a baby sleeping It was a matter of figuring this out, successfully!Newborn sleeping with Babywise

When our baby girl came home from the hospital, I knew everything we “thought” we learned went out the window. We were on our own and it was up to us to do what was right for us. It was up to us to do what our gut was telling us! That’s when our FOR REAL, easy to execute, Babywise principles came into play. We studied this book before the baby arrived, we started the principles while in the hospital, but really took it seriously as soon as we were on our own. Like, legit on our own. Ahh!! We had a handful of experienced friends mention this particular book to us, Babywise, so, of course, I bought the book. I studied this book and we committed to using the principles taught. However, it wasn’t until we came home from the hospital that I turned this amazing book into our daily “baby schedule bible”, so to say. Our words, not theirs. Ha!

You guys, I am SO happy we did that. As new parents, we were able to successfully create a HAPPY baby and a baby sleeping through the night, around 6-8 weeks for each of our kids. What a blessing that is…a full night’s sleep with an infant!Babywise principles that work

Since it gave us the schedule we NEEDED, and the confidence we REALLY needed, we used these principles with our three other children. Our children were always very healthy at all our doctor checkups and we were always receiving compliments on how happy and content our babies were. We totally believe it’s because they were scheduled early on and had an internal expectation. We absolutely loved this method!!

What about YOU? Your turn!! Have you heard of Babywise? Are you a believer like we are? I’d love to hear from you!!The best way I've found to get your infant to sleep through the night

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  • Kristin C
    May 16, 2017 at 9:47 pm

    I still haven’t figured out sleep with my second.

    • Shannon
      May 18, 2017 at 12:10 pm

      It is hard! I hope you find something that works well for your family!!