1 In around the house/ clean it up

the best stain remover :: only 3 ingredients

I have never really had issues with getting stains out of clothes until I had kids!  Grass stains, mud, grease, spaghetti sauce, green beans, and berries are just a few of the things I feel like I am constantly trying to get out of their clothes!  Stains are something that really drive me crazy on clothes so I am always looking for the best way to get stains out of things.  I have looked up different ways to get grape juice, grease, and many other things, and I know different things work better for different kinds of stains.  I was looking for more of a general stain remover that could be used on just about anything.  I tried different brands of stain sticks, tried some make your own stain removers, but couldn’t find anything to work that great.
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I was talking with my sister-in-law about stains and she shared with me her new go-to stain remover, so I began to look it up and experiment with different amounts of the ingredients, and have finally found something to get almost every stain out!  On occasion, I’ve even been able to get stains that were already set out.

So here it is.  The most simple ingredients.  A simple formula. A simple way to make me happy as I am able to successfully get out the stains from daily happenings in our home. 2 parts peroxide to 1 part baking soda and 1 part blue dish soap.  I started out using just tablespoons, but now that I use it almost daily, I have made larger batches of it and just keep it in a handy pump in the laundry room.
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My daughter is such a messy eater!  I usually try to keep a bib handy and if a meal is going to be especially messy, she eats in just a diaper, but there are many meals that food ends up on her clothes.  Berries and pasta sauce seem to be the worst to get out, but I usually apply the stain remover for an hour and then wash with a regular load.

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Both of my kids (just like most kids out there) love everything sand, dirt, mud, and water!  We spend our days outside and that usually involves grass stains and dirt stains on the knees from crawling and just having fun!  I’m so thankful that the clothes are coming clean without too much effort these days!

Try it out for yourself!  It has been a lifesaver for me!

stain remover

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  • hannah
    October 24, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    I actually just bought some blue dawn soap for another diy recipe, but I will try this one out too. I have some stains that I just cannot get out, maybe this will do the trick!