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switch up your summer menu with hello fresh

disclaimer no giveaway

HelloFresh_logo (1)Is anyone else finding themselves scrambling for dinner ideas this summer? During the school year, I’m pretty organized with dinner menu plans and grocery shopping but that all seems to fly out the window in the summer. By the time we get home from all of our activities, I realize that in my grocery run (with three kids in tow who all want to be anywhere but the grocery store), I managed to pick up juice pops, hamburger patties and tons of fruit and vegetables, but not much else. So we grill again. And, don’t get me wrong, I love to grill in the summer. But even grilling gets old when you’re doing it every. single. day. 015

So I decided to order Hello Fresh.  Hello Fresh is an amazing company that creates mouth-watering recipes, shops for all of the ingredients and delivers them right to your door. I’ve tried Hello Fresh before (see my reviews here and here) and have always been impressed. This time was no different. One thing I love about Hello Fresh is that you can view the menu online ahead of time and choose the meals that are best for you and your family. I love to order meals that are outside of our typical fare–this week we tried shrimp po’ boys, crispy falafel salad and ginger-marinated steak wraps. Can I tell you how much fun I had cooking this week? I knew I had every ingredient I needed and had step-by-step directions with pictures guiding me through. And the end result was amazing every time. These pictures don’t lie. The food was fabulous.

011I would never have tried any of these meals for my family if it weren’t for Hello Fresh. I love being pushed outside of my comfort zone just a bit. I love to try new things, but I’m always hesitant to make new things for my family–the groans just aren’t worth the hours of planning, shopping, prepping and cooking–especially in the summer when I want to spend my time enjoying the amazing Michigan summers as much as I possibly can. Hello Fresh takes away those hours of planning and, in under an hour (usually around 30 minutes), I’m able to have a full meal on the table. We loved our burger-free week this week, thanks to Hello Fresh!

What would you like most about Hello Fresh? hellofreshCollage

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  • Talia
    July 29, 2015 at 3:35 pm

    A friend of mine has used Hello Fresh and loves it. I love the planning meals phase taken out. When meal planning, I will stare at my paper for forever, trying to figure out what *does* sound good. Sometimes I need someone to just decide for me!

  • Danielle Royalegacy
    July 28, 2015 at 10:24 am

    This does sound super convenient, but it would take the fun out of it for me. I love shopping to find all the ingredients that I need at the best deals I can find.

  • Tamra Phelps
    July 28, 2015 at 10:12 am

    I have to admit, it sounds great. Just getting the ingredients together doesn’t work out around here, so having them right there, ready to go, would be a big plus.