4 In craft time/ tips and tools

a simple craft :: moon dough

After several days spent working on projects around the house, I was sensing the kiddos were feeling a little bored and neglegcted! I decided to hop on pinterest and find a fun, easy craft we could do together.  I pinned this recipe a while back,  but if you just put in a search for “moon dough”, you will get a ton of results.

I looked around and happened to have both (yes both…there are only two) ingredients here in the house.  Are you ready for this:

Yup, that’s right.  Just two simple ingredients that you most likely already have in your home.  If there are still littles at home while the bigs are at school and you are about to lose your mind, this can be a simple, easy craft to throw together, and you look like a super creative genious!

Now, just a little warning, this can be pretty messy.  It is flour after all.  I would probably keep this little adventure outside if I were you.  No matter how many times you tell those little buggers to keep it inside the bucket, it will end up on their pants, in their hair, etc.  {but the bonus is… it washes off easily, and the smell will take you back to their newborn days.  aaahhhhh :)}

See?  They were so enthralled, they could barely take their eyes off this stuff to pose for a photo!

This turned out to be a fun, sensory project.  My kids love digging in and building, sculpting,  and smashing things.  They LOVED being able to help mix up the ingredients.  It was an easy, inexpensive craft, and I’m sure we’ll be doing this one again.

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  • Karen Medlin
    September 29, 2012 at 4:27 am

    Super!!! You have this Gumma some money.. our kids are going to love it. I can make plenty for all to go around

  • Shannon
    September 25, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    Oh this is fantastic!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  • Jessica
    September 25, 2012 at 3:49 pm

    I wonder if this could be made with coconut oil, you know, in case they try to eat it… I’m thinking about my toddler LOL!!!

  • Renee
    September 25, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    Ummm…LOVE! Thanks! I like the outside on a blanket idea…we will be trying this soon!