In beauty/ big kid gear/ little fashions

tea collection :: making its way to the red carpet!

Anyone watch the Emmy Awards this year?  I love to read about who wore what best, worst, etc.  I just love anything fashion.  Whether it be fashion faux-pas or whatnot, it’s just plain fun!

Well, when I read that Tea Collection was on the red carpet, I stopped what I was doing and checked that out.

Look at this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G dress that was worn by Aubrey Anderson-Emmons at the Emmy Awards this year {who plays “Lily” on the Modern Family} ::

Now given the price tag of $179 on the Tea Collection site, it isn’t a dress that just any of us can run out and grab.  But nonetheless I thought it was gorgeous and I had to share!  Whether you can afford this dress or not, Tea Collection has some pretty outstanding things.  You can see, they have quite a few Party Dresses to choose from!

Did you watch the Emmy’s this year?  What outfit did you think was screamin’ awesome or a definite no-no?

* I was not compensated for this post, and it is not sponsored.  I just thought it was cool and wanted to share. *

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