5 In books & learning/ media

*fall* in love with these two new children’s books!

disclaimer no giveaway
I’ve kind of dug my heels in, trying to slow down time this Summer but, much to my dismay, Fall seems to be coming our way full force!

Everywhere I turn, I’m seeing, hearing and reading signs of Fall’s arrival. Namely, “Back To School” chatter and “Elections” news.

Despite how you might feel about either of these topics, the closer we get to fall, the more they will fill the space around us in news headlines, email blasts, mailers, and social media. They are coming 😉 So, why not embrace them with a few adorable children’s books!

If an Elephant Went to School



Written by Ellen Fischer and illustrated by Laura Wood, “If an Elephant Went to School” is a really cute book that explores what it would be like for different animals to go to school. Each page asks the question, “If an {insert an animal’s name} went to school, what would they learn?” Would they learn ABCs or days of the week like you and me? Maybe, but maybe not!



If an Elephant Went to School” explores the differences between various animals and what makes them unique, and then reflects that in what they’d learn at school. Clever, packed full of colorful illustrations, and a fun read for kids.

If you have a little one heading off to school for the first time this fall, this would be an absolutely fabulous little book to share with them!



Monster Needs Your Votes

I was first introduced to the “Monster & Me” books earlier this year through Mighty Media Kids and was so excited to see another one being released next month called “Monster Needs Your Vote“!



Written by Paul Czajak and illustrated by Wendy Grieb, “Monster Needs Your Vote” helps take the often-times confusing topic of politics and elections and helps explain them in a fun story featuring the lovable Monster!

When Monster realizes he’s not old enough to cast his ballot in the election, he decides to just run for President instead. Along the way, he learns different facts about the election process, debates and fighting for what you believe in.



“Monster Needs Your Vote” is an absolutely adorable book that will help get kids thinking about elections and politics  in an encouraging and nonpartisan way. And you can bet that Monster will have some fun along the way!



Also, be sure to check out this really Monster Campaign Kit that features more fun election and presidential facts, activities, coloring sheets and more!


Whether you are looking to tackle those Back To School conversations or find a fun way to introduce the world of politics and elections to your kids, be sure to check out both of these books this fall!

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  • Alina
    July 28, 2015 at 8:24 am

    My little one is fascinated with monsters lately so I’m sure he’d love these books!

  • Robin W
    July 27, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    Ya know, there’s an entire month of summer left, but I know what you mean, everywhere you turn someone is putting an end to it. Sad…very sad. But these books are so cute. I love the illustrations and the titles are sure to catch a child’s attention.

  • Terri S.
    July 27, 2015 at 1:09 pm

    If An Elephant Went to School looks like a fun book for kids going back to school or starting school. The illustrations are colorful and the story is fun while also being educational. My pre-k granddaughter is to young to enjoy Monster Needs Your Vote but for a little older child it could spark conversations about what voting means.

  • Danielle Royalegacy
    July 27, 2015 at 11:25 am

    These are really two cute books, and the wording is really easy for little ones.