2 In clean it up/ health

stomach flu boot camp :: tips for helping your family survive when a nasty bug hits


This post is by no means glamorous. In fact, the nature of it is pretty down right disgusting. There’s no way to make the stomach flu seem very exciting. Well, other than that initial moment between life as you know it and “oh my sweet goodness, that’s my brand new carpet.” That right there is definitely a dose of parental excitement at its very worst. Ask me how I know. Go ahead! Okay, let me tell you.

Two weeks ago, we were on a mini family vacation, and I was hit with the worst flu bug I have ever had in my life. I thought it was all going to end for me on the bathroom floor of our hotel room. Thankfully, I survived, but twenty-four hours later, back at home, my dear husband came down with the bug…and here comes that parental excitement we just talked about…fourty-eight hours after that, our eight year old came down with the flu. Let’s just say that my excitement didn’t come out in the form of a well-worded cute little phrase, either. It was more along the lines of a well-enunciated four letter word. Probably not my finest moment…

After the initial shock and hissy fit over having a child who now had the stomach flu, I got my act together and went into boot camp mode. Here are my tips on surviving the stomach flu!


  • Quarantine sick kids. As soon as you realize one child has the flu, shut bedroom doors, keep kids on separate floors if your home allows for that, pretty much keep them from breathing the same air. This is something I was completely fanatical about, and probably has much to do with the fact that our youngest two didn’t catch this stomach bug. Yay!
  • Give your child a puke pail and tell them to stay in bed. This sounds totally backward, I know. But, have you ever seen the aim a puking child has while trying to run to the bathroom? It’s not good. If they stay in bed, chances are, they will actually be able to catch things with their pail. If not, it’s so much easier to wash bedding than carpet.
  • Speaking of puke pails…did you know if offered a puke pail while in the hospital, that you don’t even use, they still have to throw it away? Most nurses are happy to let you take the pail home with you. We’ve got a few of them at our house specifically for tummy trouble. As soon as one kid gets sick, every kid sleeps with a puke pail.
  • Line your floors. Think of anything that could become your child’s splat zone, and cover it. Towels and extra sheets work great for this. Layer them alongside their bed, cover carpeting on the path to the bathroom, etc. Again, it is much easier to wash towels than carpet.
  • Layer bed sheets with as many sets as you have available, separating each with a waterproof mattress cover. If there’s a mishap, simply peel a layer off their bed.


  • Consider having your child sleep outside the bathroom door. We have a twin size air mattress that fits nicely in the hallway, is super comfy, and very easy to clean. It works great!
  • Always have ginger ale, Sprite, Gatorade, Pedialite, Jell-O, saltines, etc. All of these tend to be mild on an upset tummy. Be sure to serve them with a gentle reminder to go slow when reintroducing anything to a sick belly.
  • Be there for them! This is probably my most important tip. Can my eight year old throw up by himself? Absolutely. Does he somehow feel a bit better when mom is standing there rubbing his back and telling him it’s going to be okay? You bet! This too shall pass! In the mean time, be with them.
  • Treat them like royalty! Kids bounce back quickly, however, sometimes it can be a little too quickly. Try to keep them resting for at least the remainder of the day. Is there a special movie they like? Pull a TV in their room and let them watch it on repeat all day.
  • Clean, clean, clean! This one goes without saying! Wash and wipe down everything, paying special attention to door handles and light switches.

Hopefully, your family will say healthy this winter, but just in case, maybe some of these tips are things that you can try out in your home if the stomach bug comes knocking.

Talk to me! What are some of the tips you have for handling a nasty bout of the stomach flu?

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  • Alina
    December 17, 2015 at 9:26 am

    Love all these tips! We usually try to take care of them as best we can. Poor li’l ones.

    • Sarah
      December 17, 2015 at 9:04 pm

      Thank you! It really is heartbreaking watching them go through a nasty bug! There’s only so much you can do for them, too. It’s just plain rough!