1 In health

six changes that may happen to your face as you age

As a woman, it can be difficult to grow old gracefully, especially when you find yourself dealing with the challenging symptoms of menopause, reduced energy, and changes in your moods. When you look in the mirror, you could see other changes as well, and you might wonder if there is anything you can do to reverse them. Understanding these transformations and what causes them may help you find solutions for reducing unwanted facial transformations for today and in the future.

Crow’s Feet

These wrinkles that appear around the corners of the eyes are also called laugh lines, as they can be formed by the skin’s tendency to crinkle when you smile widely or laugh. They are one of the first obvious signs of aging in the face and can start to appear after age 40 or even earlier, depending on your exposure to the sun and whether you use UV protection. Crow’s feet can also be caused by a loss of collagen in the skin, the protein that makes it elastic and resistant to permanent wrinkles.

Sagging Mouth Corners

Angular cheilitis, or sagging around the corners of the mouth, can be caused by several factors that range from chronic dry mouth to genetics to aging. This drooping may be subtle at first and then become more prominent as you age. Performing mouth and jaw exercises might help you combat this issue, but you may want to discuss such a plan with your doctor so you can ensure the routine you choose is not damaging to the jaw.

More Chin and Facial Hairs

Hormonal changes can cause one or two stray facial hairs to turn into a dozen or even more, and you might find yourself plucking away much more often. While an increase in facial hair can be common as early as age 30, it can also be caused by several medical conditions, including hirsutism. This condition can cause considerable hair growth all over the body and is typically caused by genetics, some chronic illnesses like Cushing’s Disease and, in rare cancerous tumors. Most facial hair growth is normal and rarely a sign of a serious problem.

Double Chin

One of the most common facial changes you might encounter as you age is the development of a double chin. While this problem can be caused by weight gain, it might also be the result of genetics, bad posture, and a lack of muscle tone. If you notice the onset of a double chin, there are a few exercises you can learn to combat and even reduce it. If they are not helpful, you can ask your doctor about other double chin treatment options.

Under-Eye Bags

While you may have some experience with under-eye bags caused by broken sleep, they can also appear on a more permanent basis as you get older. As with other types of wrinkles and drooping, these bags are typically caused by a lack of elasticity in the skin. Certain types of collagen creams and cosmetic surgery can help you combat these troublesome pouches.

Dark Spots

Facial dark spots usually appear slowly over time and are almost always caused by exposure to the sun. If you live in a state with long, intense summers, such as Arizona or Texas, then the appearance of dark spots is much more likely to occur, especially if you do not use the right UV protection for your skin tone. The severity of dark spots can be reduced over time with creams that contain retinol, or vitamin A. If any dark spots change color or size, it is a good idea to speak with a dermatologist, as this could be a sign of skin cancer.

It can be difficult to accept facial changes as you age, but most are common and happen to most women. Exercise, facial creams, and surgical options may help you regain a more youthful appearance.

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  • Dana Rodriguez
    January 15, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    These are all true. It is a real struggle for us girls though I try to fight it!