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share the season all year long with kids prize pack :: #aSIMPLEchristmas

Merry Christmas from theSIMPLEmoms
In our house, and I’m sure in many houses, Christmas is a time of presents, presents, and more presents. Sometimes there are so many presents at once, that some of them just get lost in the shuffle. So what if there was a way to spread the presents out all year long? Kids Prize Pack is one way to do that! The subscription service is easy to sign up for, and sure to be a big hit with boys and girls alike. When you sign up you can choose different prize packs for boys and girls, and for younger kids and older kids. Each month has a new theme, but they each contain quality books, toys, games, and an assortment of other items.

One of the goals of Kids Prize Pack is to encourage children to enjoy reading. So to make reading more exciting, they pair the books with toys from the same theme. Studies have shown that if children are excited to play with a toy, they will want to read a book on the same topic.

We were able to try a kids pack back in October, which was – not surprisingly – Halloween themed. In the box we had a Bride of Frankenstein Pop! movie vinyl figure, a Monster High mini collectable tin filled with bubble gum, a Monster High costume make up kit, a multi-colored doodle pad, stickers, and two books – including one of our family favorites, Fly Guy. I was surprised at the number of brand name products in the pack!


I know that my children love.love.LOVE to get mail, especially mail that comes in big boxes! I’m sure the tiny humans in your life would love it, too. And you? You can avoid having to get out and wander through the toy aisles at some big box store! Just click over to Kids Prize Pack, enter their info and your info, and wah-lah! All done! Happy giver and happy getter! I call that a win-win!


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  • Sarah Hayes
    November 19, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    i love this idea. my LO loves mail and reading so this is great