3 In around the house/ good eats/ holidays/ in the kitchen

#NationalCerealDay with general mills cereals

One of our favorite spring time holidays is this week and my kids are all excited to celebrate #NationalCerealDay. Yes, a day to celebrate cereal and don’t worry it’s not until tomorrow March 7th so you can still get prepared. My family has enjoyed doing different activities for the past few years to celebrate our love of all things cereal and thanks to our friends at General Mills Cereals I have yet another way to enjoy this day of cereal.

Isn’t this bowl just the coolest? Thanks to my friends at General Mills Cereals for providing a way for this busy momma to still have crunchy cereal even when my breakfast is interrupted by helping toddlers use the bathroom, cleaning up spills, breaking up fights, stopping kids from injuring themselves, and all the other million ways my kids try to make my breakfast memorable. As you can see below, my littlest ‘helper’ is excited to have a way to steal my Golden Grahams without getting his fingers wet. Not quite the intended use but hey, whatever works.

Golden Grahams thief on The SIMPLE Moms

If you’re looking to celebrate #NationalCerealDay this year here are a few suggestions on ways to make it a little special…

1) Everyone pick out their favorite cereal :: this was how we decided to celebrate this year and my kids all had fun choosing their favorite cereal – no limits – and the whole box is theirs to eat on their own.

NationalCerealDay 2018 with General Mills Cereals on The SIMPLE Moms

2) Eat cereal in an unexpected way :: my family always enjoys cereal throughout the day but if your family only ever eats cereal for breakfast, have cereal for dinner. To mix things up at our house I’ve stocked up for ice cream desserts and cereal toppings.

3) Cereal arts and crafts :: when I visited General Mills World Headquarters this past fall one of our hosts made this awesome Lucky Charms frame. A wood frame, some glue, and your favorite cereal could make a really fun kitchen decoration!

Lucky Charms frame from General Mills Cereals on The SIMPLE Moms

4) Have a party :: what kid wouldn’t love having streamers, balloons, and cereal treats? I recommend these Gooey S’Mores Cereal Bars or Wheaties No-Bake Cereal Bars.

5) Cereal blind tasting :: have a million cereals on hand like our family? Line them up in bowls and take turns being blindfolded and trying to guess which cereal your family is giving you. My 10 year old is giggling just thinking about this fun!

Whatever way you celebrate #NationalCerealDay I hope your family has as much fun as mine!

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  • Amanda
    March 8, 2018 at 6:34 pm

    Cereal Day rocks! Just today I found some limited “Unicorn” that is cupcake -flavored and it’s actually very tasty. XD

  • Janel Lutgen
    March 6, 2018 at 1:35 pm

    How did I not know NATIONAL CEREAL DAY was a thing?!?! My oldest would LIVE off of cereal if I’d let him!đŸ˜‰

  • Yona Williams
    March 6, 2018 at 12:31 pm

    I would like to get the Lucky Charms cereal with the new unicorns…Im excited about that marshmallow shape!