In big kids

my daughter is driving

So it finally happened my daughter has her driving permit! She has been driving everywhere. All of her friends have been getting their permits. She put off taking the test almost two months worried that she wouldn’t pass it the first time because all of her friends had failed their first attempt, but she passed it the first time with flying colors!


She has been driving now for the past two weeks and I am glad to report that she has had no accidents! I will admit that she has given me a couple of heart attacks, but otherwise is doing great.  If only we could put a break on the passengers side to keep us from stressing out.


My husband traded in my Suburban in for this Jeep Rubicon and although it is smaller than what I am accustomed to I love it! I’ve always wanted a Jeep and now my daughter gets to drive it.


Jeeps are short in length and not very wide so it makes it easy for her to get in and out of parking spots. As she is driving I try to explain what she should or should not do when driving.  If I see road work ahead I explain she needs to slow down because she may have to come to a compete stop.  I think it is every parent’s fear to let their children go off driving for the first time, but thankfully we have another six months before she can do that.  Until then I will give her a chance to practice every time we have to go somewhere so that she will be well prepared to drive by herself.


Are you ready for your child to start driving or do you have any parental advice for me?

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