In let's go outside

if you can’t beat ’em… join ’em!

When I met my hubby 8 years ago, I fell head over heels in love with a “manly man.” I’m talking that hunting, fishing, rock ‘em sock ‘em hockey player with a kind heart. What I learned early on in our relationship is that men have hobbies. Unfortunately for women we seem to think that these hobbies interfere with “us” time. So what did I do? I turned his hobbies into time for the two of us.

Fishing with my honey2 logoMy hubby was absolutely THRILLED the first time I told him I wanted to go hunting with him. Did I enjoy hunting? Not so much, but what I do love is spending quality time with the man that I love and spending time in the great outdoors.

I’ve found over the years that because I have taken interest in his hobbies and do not bemoan him his “manly” things, he is WAY more accommodating to my “girly” things. Will he watch a chick flick without complaining? Yep! Our relationship is a 100% give-give (most of the time… I have to be real here!). When you are both giving, there is no lacking!

So when we went camping this weekend, the hubby wanted to spend a LOT of time fishing… so I joined him! The grandparents watched out little guy and we had quality time together on the open water, talking, enjoying a beautiful sunset, breathing in the fresh air, and catching a few fish in the process.

Why did I say all this? Just to encourage you to redefine what is “us” time.” Maybe you will end up enjoying a few of the thing he loves to do. In the least, you’ll get time with your man that you would not have had before 🙂

Fishing with my honey

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