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give the gift of giving :: #aSIMPLEchristmas tradition

Merry Christmas from theSIMPLEmoms
As fall wraps around us and, we start preparing for The Holidays. Halloween has come and gone. Thanksgiving is on the way. And Christmas will rush up behind it. As the days get shorter and shorter, we try to squeeze more and more into each day. It’s exhausting. And in all the rushing and running, it’s easy to get lost in all the things there are to do. And while we feel the excitement of Christmas building, somehow the JOY of the season gets lost. One of the ways that our family has tried to recapture the joys is to simply slow down. We don’t make a list of things to do. We don’t plan as much, but instead try to let things happen as they come. We don’t say yes to every holiday party invitation, and we purposefully schedule in family time. We try to let the season fill us up instead of trying to fill up the season. It’s not easy, but last year it made the season so much more meaningful. And this year I’m excited to start a new, fulfilling tradition that doesn’t take up much time, but highlights the spirit of giving that is central to Christmas.the giving manger 3

The Giving Manger encourages both children and adults to focus on the spirit of giving throughout the season. Your family starts by reading the included book which tells about giving. Then all the items you need are included: wooden manger, a bundle of straw, and a hand-crafted  baby Jesus. These well-made and beautiful pieces will last for many years to come. On the first day, the children will find the simple wooden manger waiting on them. As the children find ways to serve others, they are allowed to add a single piece of straw in the manger. When advent draws to an end and Christmas arrives, baby Jesus can be gently placed upon the straw bed representing the gifts of love and service. What beautiful symbolism.

the giving manger 2

I usually “test drive” every product that I receive before writing the review, but I’ll admit that this time I’ve saved it for the advent season. I did, however, share this idea with my children and they immediately started coming up with ideas on how to serve others! I love that The Giving Manger doesn’t give children a “to do” list, but encourages them to explore unique and individualized ways to truly love and serve others – the very things that Christmas represent.

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  • Carrie Lee
    November 21, 2015 at 10:05 pm

    I love the idea behind The Giving Manger and what it symbolizes. It’s an easy way to encourage children to do kind things for others and incorporates this important holiday beautifully. Thank you for sharing The Giving a Manger with us. Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

  • Keara B.
    November 20, 2015 at 10:51 pm

    I love this idea- so simple yet so helpful in teaching children the true meaning of Christmas. I like to have an advent wreath in our home, but I think I’d like to add this too! Thanks for sharing!

  • Elisabeth
    November 20, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    What a beautiful, simple way to celebrate Christmas!

  • Sean
    November 20, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    I think this would be such a special gift for our family to have and make.

  • Dandi D
    November 20, 2015 at 11:42 am

    This sounds like something really neat to do with my children.