8 In around the house/ clean it up/ eco-friendly/ pets

fresh wave :: stinky story time

disclaimer no giveawayI was thinking today about all the different stinks I have smelled in life. Of course kids produce a lot of obnoxious smells, but my favorite smelly story goes back to the 90’s. Get comfortable, it’s stinky story time! {I feel like I need a jingle to go with that last sentence.}

My childhood home had a coat closet when you walked in the back door. We developed a mysterious smell one day. It was the smell of death! Did an animal die in the wall? We searched the closet. All the coats were removed and the smell still hung in the air. It was like it got stronger. For weeks we had people enter our home and gasp for air as they passed through the back hall. We had a serious need for FRESH WAVE! The smell eventually dissipated, and the mystery odor remained just that…a mystery. Then one day, about a year later, my dad pulled out his hunting jacket. It was the first day of pheasant season. He was gathering his gear and he reached into the back pocket of his coat and found a gift. It was a dead bird from the previous hunting season, forgotten in the back pouch of his coat. The mystery stink that haunted our back hall for many weeks was finally exposed.

fresh wave september

What is this story missing? The power of Fresh Wave to fight such a nasty odor. How does Fresh Wave fight odors?

The molecule is mightier than the odor.

Fresh Wave® natural odor eliminators use the power of nature and molecular science to get rid of organic and inorganic odors. Rather than masking unwanted odors, our products go to the source to destroy the odor. More importantly, Fresh Wave products use no toxins, so they are safe to use around people and pets.

Eco-friendly and industrially proven, these non-toxic products are based on formulations that eliminate odors in the most odorous places around the world, including garbage dumps, asphalt factories and wastewater facilities. Compared to those locations, your home’s odors are no match for our natural odor eliminators.

fresh wave products

Look for Fresh Wave products at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Buy Buy Baby, or HERE. We’ve been using Fresh Wave in our home since 2014! HERE are a few more posts if you want to read more.

Let happiness sweep you away!

My most recent box of goodies included vacuum beads. I love them! Here’s why…

Fresh Wave Vacuum Beads prevent vacuum exhaust odors from making your home smell every time you run the sweeper. Plus (total bonus) they also keep your vacuum smelling fresh between uses.

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  • renee
    October 2, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    I wish I could find a Fresh Wave product to stuff into my daughter’s softball ball cleats! You say they are used around garbage dumps, asphalt factories and wastewater facilities? Hmmm, MIGHT work on her cleats then 🙂

    • Ginny
      October 4, 2016 at 2:15 am

      I would try the spray on those stinky cleats!

  • Darla
    September 29, 2016 at 8:23 pm

    Very cool. I want some now 🙂

  • Keara B.
    September 29, 2016 at 12:51 pm

    I totally want to try the vacuum beads! I hate that musty smell I get when I vacuum. Drives me crazy. And what a funny story about the bird and the closet… I think we’ve all experienced something like that at one point or another! 🙂

    • Ginny
      October 4, 2016 at 2:16 am

      I was super excited about the vacuum beads. It’s ironic that a vacuum (used to clean things) can be gross. The beads are amazing!

  • Alina
    September 28, 2016 at 9:09 am

    Love that it’s eco friendly and non-toxic. I grew up with a funky order in my closet too, but I just left it at that I had stinky feet 🙂

    • Ginny
      September 29, 2016 at 2:45 am


  • Kim Henrichs
    September 27, 2016 at 11:30 am

    This stuff WORKS! I love it!