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a simple real food recipe :: roasted maple acorn squash

Here is one of our favorite fall side dishes to just about any meal.

Acorn squash is chock full of vitamins and nutrients, and this time of year…it’s cheap! I grabbed up a few at 0.49/lb a few weeks ago 😉

It lasts a good month on the counter, so if you see a good sale, or can get a bulk order from your farmer at the market stock up without the worry!

It does freeze up nicely by the way so you could roast it up and freeze flat in freezer bags.

And don’t forget the babies! If you are in the baby food making season of life, double up and freeze up those mashes for baby! They will love you for it! Don’t be afraid of a little pastured butter or coconut oil smothered in there for them either – their little bodies will LOVE the extra brain building fats!

You’ll need:

1 acorn squash

3 TB butter, softened (if you have a milk allergy try coconut oil)

2-3 tsp pure maple syrup

Sea salt/pepper to taste

  1. Halve the squash, and scoop out the seeds.
  2. Place the squash flesh side UP in a baking dish.
  3. Smear butter all over the flesh of the squash, and sprinkle salt and pepper.
  4. Put a good tsp or so of maple syrup in the middle of each half squash.
  5. Roast at 400 degrees for 1 hour.
  6. Let the squash sit for a few minutes and scoop/mix the maple syrup/butter mixture into the squash.

Kitchen Tips:

  1. Hands on time for this is barely 5 minutes! It spends most of the time in the oven! You can prep it before you go to work, stick it in the oven when you get home and it will be done in an hour while you help kids with homework, fix the rest of dinner, or catch up on emails!
  2. If you are freezing flat in bags, to re-heat I typically thaw out and warm in the oven – it even turns out a little “twice baked” with a little crust to the top!
  3. If you are freezing for baby food you can freeze up in baby jars or whatever you are using for baby food!
  4. Honey for the sweet works great too! I just love the maple flavor with acorn squash!
  5. My pictures are with roasted chicken but I really love squash with a beefy meal too! Try it the next time you do up a roast!


Does your family love squash for dinner? Will some sort of squash be on the table for Thanksgiving this year? Let me know how you like this recipe if you try it!

This post was shared at Butter Believer’s Sunday School, Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday, Real Food Freaks Freaky Friday, and Too Many Jars In My Kitchen’s Fill Those Jars Friday!

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  • Renee
    October 31, 2012 at 6:47 am

    Hi Anne-Marie!

    Thanks for the invite 🙂 Will do!

  • Anne-Marie Cain
    October 30, 2012 at 11:43 pm

    This looks wonderful (I loooooove squash)! I’d love for you to share your recipe on my new blog hop, {Wheat-Free Wednesday}! Hope to see you there! 🙂


  • Carinn
    October 28, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    Thanks for adding this into the Squash recipe arsenal. I’ve got 2 butternut squash being made into soup tomorrow (ala Renee); 2 acorn squash to make this, and 2 pumpkins for seeds and puree. It’s going to be all squashy goodness at my house tomorrow!

    • Renee
      October 29, 2012 at 12:12 am

      Oh boy! That sounds so great!

      Side note: i totally didn’t realize how many squash recipes I have put up this fall!!! Talk about over kill!! I have one more going up next week or so i think too LOL!

  • Jessica
    October 26, 2012 at 1:21 pm

    Oh. Em. Gee. I am DROOLING over this recipe!!! I adore squash recipes. I just looked up a butternut squash soup recipe the other day, and I am so excited to make it! Do you have a recipe for butternut squash soup that you totally love, Renee? I’d love to try it if you do! 🙂