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a simple {real food} recipe :: coleslaw {dairy free option}

It was definitely a beach day today 🙂

90 degrees. Slight breeze. Plentiful sunshine.

I have a few summer staples I love using on days I don’t want to have the oven on.

…or days I want to be at the beach all day 🙂

This morning, I put a whole pastured chicken in the crockpot to simmer on low all day while we played at the beach. Then, during naptime for the girls, I made up this easy coleslaw for a cool veggie side dish to go with our chicken dinner.

This is great for picnics, lunch at the park, or afternoon snack! Both girls asked for seconds at dinner tonight – what a way to get a plateful of veggies down them!

I made this recipe up based on many I have tried the last couple summers – this is what our taste buds enjoy – feel free to play around with the flavors to your families’ taste!

Here’s what you’ll need:

      • 1 small head cabbage sliced thin
      • 2-3 carrots shredded
      • 1 small/medium onion sliced thin
      • 1 cup full fat sour cream or homemade mayo (recipe coming soon!). If you are dairy free try coconut milk yogurt, or homemade mayo!
      • 1 TB lemon juice (go for either real lemon juice or this – not from concentrate)
      • 1-2 TB raw honey (local if possible – otherwise this is the brand I use)
      • 1 TB garlic powder
      • 1 TB parsley flakes
      • 1/8 – 1/4 cayenne pepper (optional if you don’t like the kick!)
      • sea salt and pepper to taste
  1. Put the sliced and shredded cabbage, carrot, and onion in a medium sized bowl.
  2. Blend the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl using a hand beater.
  3. Pour the dressing over the veggies and mix.
  4. Keep leftovers in the fridge up to a week.

Kitchen Tips:

            1. The flavors get better as they sit in the fridge – this is a pretty large batch for my small family but I make it that way so we can munch on it all week 🙂 This would be the perfect portion to bring to a family BBQ!
            2. I use the Daisy full fat sour cream. The organic brand that is offered in our store is ultra pasteurized and uses skim milk. The Daisy brand is full fat and minimal ingredients. Use the best you can find – never ultra pasteurized, never skim milk, minimal extra ingredients. For sour cream, all that needs to be there is the cultured cream.
            3. The dressing is fantastic on salads as well.
            4. Here’s a great veggie wash to scrub up all those veggies!


What are your favorite “it’s too hot to cook” dinners? Let me know what you think of the coleslaw if you try it!

In the next couple days grab some good quality cream, and meet me back here Thursday to treat your family to some super yummy, refreshing chocolate ice cream this weekend! So easy – you don’t want to miss this one!

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  • Jaime :: owner
    July 9, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    This looks so simple and easy….Will definitely be making it this summer.