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omega 3 water :: flavored water with omega 3

Omega-3 is one of the core nutrients to a healthy lifestyle. As more people become health conscious, we start to see supplements with omega-3 (like fish oil), flying off shelves. We needed a way to incorporate more omega-3s into our daily routine,” said Dr. Ed Beja, creator of Omega3Water. The solution was an innovative new way for people to get omega-3s – from drinking water.

This wonderful company sent me 2 cases of  Omega-3Water  to try out. Both are vegetarian friendly and Kosher certified because the Omega-3 nutrients used are sourced from flax seed, not fish. This means no fishy aftertaste like I get from my fish oil supplement I take daily – whew!  Both flavors contain 20,000 mcg of Omega-3, while the Bold Berry has calcium and vitamins B 3,5,6,12 & D. The Orange Kiwi contains vitamins A, B 3,5,6,12 & C.

We like Omega-3Water served chilled, so we kept a few bottles in the fridge at a time. Because it’s all natural, your kids can drink it too. My BF and I loved the Bold Berry the best, while the kiddo liked the Orange Kiwi, although the kiddos would drink both. I also decided to pour it into Popsicle molds and make Popsicles out of them for the kids and they loved it.

Now this isn’t a calorie free drink – both the Orange Kiwi and the Bold Berry have 45 calories per serving in a 2.5 serving bottle. If you are counting your calories, keep this in mind and don’t just drink this all day! While the product isn’t clear, it doesn’t seem to have the chemical colorings that other choices have, and it also doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup according to the label.

Omega3Water goes one step further in enhancing health. Jam-packed with vitamins and nutrients, it earns its title of Natural Health Defender.

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omega 3 water :: $23.88 for 12 pack

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own*

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