GOOD supplements for children though as so hard to come by! Many children’s chewable vitamins contain added sugar. I mean, what kid will take their vitamins unless there is sugar, right? WRONG!! Freeda Vitamins has made a wonderful children’s chewable vitamin that is free from sugar, artificial colors, or artificial flavors.
Vitalets are a favorite with my little man. He actually ASKS to take his vitamins! They come in many different flavors from carob to raspberry to orange. My two year old does not have a favorite… he enjoys them all! Vitalets also come in an unflavored option as well.
While these vitamins have essential vitamins for your growing child, they are not a replacement for healthy eating. They do ADD to a healthy lifestyle though!! 🙂
So if you are looking for a children’s multivitamin that does not contain any sugar or artificial colors/flavors, check out Freeda Vitamins. They are approved by my two year old!
Denise Taylor-Dennis
March 17, 2015 at 8:05 amThese sound like great vitamins for kids, my son loves to take his vitamins too.