In get healthy/ health

4 simple self-care tips for busy moms

A few weeks ago, my life became much busier then I’m used to due to some changes at work. I keep a pretty tight grip on my time because I want to be the best mom, wife, friend, etc. to the people in my life. I am still working through this new season that has me working out of the home more then  I’m comfortable with, but I know with the right tools and perspective I can make it work. That is why I would like to share some tips I practice as a busy mom.

Start Exercising 

ultimate daily workout app

Before you say that moving around while taking care of everyone else is enough exercise, it’s not. Why? Because you hardly reap those endorphin-related benefits that actual exercise produces. 

I have learned through the years that I don’t feel my best self when I don’t get a little exercise each day. Most days it’s 45 minutes on an elliptical while I scroll social media, but some days it’s only 20 minutes. Something is better then nothing. I also like to add toning workouts. Tone It Up has been my favorite workout app for many years. Set a goal that is easy to maintain and see how much better you feel when you pay attention to your health.

Realize that Taking Care of Yourself is Selflessskin cancer revealed

Many women have a martyr mindset – one that makes them feel like taking care of themselves is selfish. Our families need us and we should do our best to take care of the bodies we’ve been given. A trip to urgent care would be unfortunate. Stop feeling guilty about taking care of yourself and realize that you’re actually doing it for your loved ones. A healthy, happy woman is a beautiful mother, a great spouse, and a highly effective employee/employer.

Pay Attention to Your Health

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I have had to take care of my health due to my melanoma cancer that was discovered in 2013. I’ve posted numerous times about my skin checks and it’s my duty in life to remind everyone to see their dermatologist regularly.

Melanoma is the most deadly cancer for women my age, but when it’s caught early it’s also the most treatable kind of cancer.

Make Some Time for You

What is a low stress activity that you enjoy? For me, I look forward to watching Call the Midwife all by myself. The house goes to bed and my husband hands me  the remote with a smile. He’s always welcome to watch it with me, but he usually finds something else to watch in the other room. It’s a once a week simple pleasure that I look forward to.

Also, don’t underestimate the delight of a cantaloupe filled with ice-cream. It’s my best attempt at moderation.

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