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hi my name is Shanda… and I have an addiction :: babywearing

Baby Wearing2 logo copyHi! My name is Shanda and I have an addiction… I love to babywear. There, I said it! And you know what? I wouldn’t change it for anything in this world. A lot of people may not understand it, but there is something in this mother’s heart of mine that loves to be close to my baby. The way I can feel his chest rise and fall as he breathes. The way my heart swells as he lays his head against my chest. That feeling of security he gets being close to me and how “included” he feels with everything that I am doing… it is all priceless!

Some mothers (a lot of them!) may not feel the same way that I do, but one thing that I know for sure… God chose each one of us to be mother’s to the sweet children that we were given. They are a gift! And each one of us is doing out best for these sweet little angels during the short time that we get to hold them close. So whether you wear your baby everywhere or do not even own a carrier, you go mommy!

If you are someone who is new to this whole concept of babywearing, I thought I would give you few of the benefits that I have discovered through personal experience and during my research.

Babywearing Collage logo

Benefits of babywearing:

  • Worn babies cry less – There have been numerous studies proving that babies who are worn throughout the day are less likely to fuss. From my own personal experience, I started “wearing” my baby out of desperation. My son was in tears and I was in tears. He didn’t want to sleep, and all I knew was that he NEEDED sleep. So when I decided to no longer fight it, you know what? My son cried less… and so did I!
  • Healthy babies – When a baby rides in a carrier attached to his mother, he is in tune with the rhythm of her breathing, the sound of her heartbeat, and the movements his mother makes—walking, bending, and reaching. This stimulation helps him to regulate his own physical responses.
  • Security – It is a scary world out there. Even for my toddler son, having the security of a carrier whenever he feels the need to be near mommy and reassured, it gives him a “safe” place to go.
  • Healthy for mama – Finding time after a baby is born to exercise can be hard! Carrying around your baby helps to boost your physical exercise… think of it as fitting in cardio and lifting at one time.
  • It is fun – I cannot tell you how much fun I have finding new carriers and having bonding time with my son. As you can see from my pictures, I may have a slight (or huge!) addiction to woven wraps at the moment. haha… They are so pretty!

Happy babywearing!

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Babywearing International
The Natural Child Project

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