In good eats

working parents cooking tricks that work

The last thing you want to hear after spending a hectic day at work is: “Mom! What’s for dinner?”. Unfortunately, you do have to listen to it – every day!

While juggling between office tasks, managing house, taking care of parents and raising children, preparing dinner seems so out of the question. That’s why whenever working moms listen to such questions, their hands automatically reach out to home delivery menus rather than taking their feet to the kitchen. The result is unhappy faces at the dinner table because no matter how much your children love eating restaurant’s food, nothing can beat the craving of home-cooked healthy food.

Good news is that you can fill your dining table with healthy food every night despite spending a hectic day. This isn’t as difficult as you think! A little planning and robust strategy can make your home stand in the line of homes whose chimneys emit aroma of freshly cooked food at night. So, before you think of grabbing take-out menu, here are given tips to turn your dinner-time into a happy affair.

Search Out Easy Recipes:

Dinner is that time of the day when all family members finally get time to sit together and enjoy family time while enjoying dinner. But you don’t always have to select lavishing menu for dinner like herb-crusted rib roast, or baked turkey. Simple food cooked with love can also make your children happy, and their tummies filled. The main focus is to share quality time while enjoying healthy food. So, look out for easy to cook simple recipes for weekdays. Keep lavishing dinner menus for weekends when you have plenty of time to spend hours in the kitchen.

Buy Helpful Tools:

Every kitchen has tools that are must for the cooking process. Like you can’t run your kitchen without a stove, knife, cutting board, etc. But some tools, appliances and gadgets are essential for turning cooking into an easier affair. So, you should spend a little budget on adding such things in your kitchen; it will help you a lot!

For instance, a dishwasher in a working woman’s kitchen is not an option, but a necessity to save time on washing greasy plates. Similarly, pressure cooker is another important thing that can help you cook food faster and save you several minutes. Check out top pressure cookers buying guide to buy the best one for your kitchen.

Stock up Your Pantry:

Just imagine you are halfway cooking a dish, and when you are almost done, you find out that your pantry doesn’t have an important ingredient. It even sounds so annoying and traumatizing! So, always keep your pantry stocked up to avoid last-minute hassles. Fill up the pantry and refrigerator with whole grain pasta, canned beans, vegetables, rice and frozen meat so that you don’t have to spend hours on deciding what to cook with almost empty pantry.


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