In toys & games

start thinking about the holidays gift for the kids – barbie style

Have you started thinking about the holidays yet? Gift giving, for me, is so much better then receiving. I just love it.  I love to see the excitement and reaction on my kids faces that morning. We have lots of birthdays and such around the holidays, so are always giving gifts.
Barbie Deluxe Rainbow Styling Head
We recently found my 3 year old daughter loves Barbie’s. She is always playing with them and asking me to dress them 20 times a day. Even though I just put the same dress on her 2 minutes ago.
Barbie Deluxe Rainbow Styling Head
Now, she also loves to play with hair. Brushing and coming and styling. She loves it all.

Put those two together and you have the Barbie Deluxe Sparkle Rainbow Styling Head. She is totally obsessed with it at this point. I definitely recommend this to anyone that has a daughter and loves to play with Barbie’s and hair.
Barbie Deluxe Rainbow Styling Head
You can even do makeup and her nails.

Guess where you can easily grab one of these?  Walmart!! So easy in and out, and they have it online as well. Plus, there are several different kinds with different hair. The choice is yours.

So go grab one of these at Walmart and stash it in your closet for the holidays.</p

Barbie Deluxe Rainbow Styling Head

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