In big kids/ get crafty/ toys & games

basketball snack bag idea with a twist

disclaimer no giveawayrice krispies basketballs

In 2017 I was the mom who hand molded homemade Rice Krispy Treats into basketballs and painted chocolate lines on them. There’s more… I created a hoop with a cup and a backboard out of rolodex cards. It was our first year of basketball and I was ambitious. HERE’s the post. It’s still a great idea, but now I have 2 boys in basketball and this is my 4th season as a basketball mom. My enthusiasm, time, and energy is on a much lower level.

basketball snack

So what does 2020 Ginny make for the team snack? A bag with mixed messages! No Sugar Kool Aid pouch, sugary fruit snacks, and a Kirkland granola bar. I enjoy seeing what everyone brings each week. There’s the mom who raids her school snacks and they get a bag of chips. There was the organic themed snack. One mom even tried real fruit – Bless her heart! One post-game snack was a full buffet of treats. I snicker about the different treats, but truly they all have been wonderful. The kids are lucky to have such caring moms bringing a snack for the team.

basketball cards
Excell Marketing sent us the latest Topp’s Basketball cards to check out and we wanted to share them with Charlie’s team. We grabbed simple plastic party bags and filled them with our sugar-free and sugary treats as well as a few basketball cards for each player. Charlie counted out the cards and figured out how many we could put in each bag. The packs of Topp’s basketball cards are very affordable! 22 cards in the smaller packs!

The best part was putting them together with my Charlie. Now he has to wait until it’s our week to bring the snacks and he’s bursting to share them with his teammates. He’s convinced they are going to be so surprised to find their very own basketball cards.add basketball cards to your team snack
I wish my 2017 self knew how much fun it is to do projects WITH the kids. It means there won’t be perfection, but you gain so much more by spending time together.

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