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get comfy anywhere with pottery barn kids anywhere chairs :: review

Five years ago, a friend of mine posted a picture of a kid-sized armchair with her son’s name embroidered on it. It was love at first sight. I knew I had to have one for my then one-year old daughter and a tradition was born (although I did not realize it at the time). Each of my three beautiful babies now has their very own Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair, complete with their name perfectly embroidered on it. It is their chair, their spot, their own little piece of the world. It is the place they go when they want to read, watch a movie, or make a fort by turning it upside down and putting a blanket on top (usually this involves all three chairs and ends with a fight because not everyone can fit inside). But that aside, I count the Anywhere Chair as our single best non-necessity purchase. Hands down. image

Each chair is the perfect size for your child, whether they are two-years old or ten-years old (I have actually been known to sit in it from time to time and it fits my mama body just fine). And each one has its own handle on the top so that you (or your child) can easily move it from room to room, as easily and quickly as their favorite spot changes. Currently my daughter’s chair is strategically placed right in front of our fireplace, the warmest spot in the house. I see more fighting in our future when my 3-year old son realizes this.

Truth be told, they are a bit of an investment going in, but my 6-year old daughter has been using hers for five years now and it is still her favorite seat in the house. The only problem is that with each passing year, they add new designs that make you want to trade in your current cute chair for an even cuter chair. So far, I have been able to hold off but when my eldest daughter saw her baby sister’s purple polka dot Anywhere Chair, she immediately wanted to check out her options for her next chair. Maybe for her tenth birthday, I say.

Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair :: $99.00-$139.00

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  • Lisa A
    January 16, 2014 at 9:28 am

    Super cute chair. I love that it’s the perfect size for kids!