3 In around the house/ clean it up/ DIY/ frugal living/ gardening/ let's go outside/ mother's day

what to get for the mother who has everything :: mother day gift ideas

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and sometimes it is very difficult to pick out a gift – especially if the Mother, Grandmother, Step-Mother, Mother Figure, Friend, Aunt, etc. seemingly has everything. Gift certificates can be a good option but not always. So, here are a few alternative gift ideas for that mother who is difficult to gift in your life.

alternative mother's day gift ideas on the simple moms plant her some flowers

Plants :: I would have said flowers, but that tends to make people think of bouquets and in this instance I’m talking about the kind of flowers you plant. My grandmother has had her kids buy and plant the flowers for her yard for over a decade now. She doesn’t have to bend over and do all that digging, and her borders and planters look amazing. You can also pick out some lovely hanging baskets to brighten their front porch.

alternative mother's day gift ideas on the simple moms buy her a hanging basket

Flowers :: let’s be honest. If you know that special mother’s favorite flowers making the effort to get her a bouquet is usually a good bet. If she has a favorite that you can find as a plant (think hyacinths, tulips, pansies, etc. in a pot) that can make her thoughtful present enjoyable for even longer.

alternative mother's day gift ideas on the simple moms give her a potted plant

Do Some Yard Work :: nothing says “I appreciate you!” quite like saving someone from the drudgery of yard work. Spring is here and all the tasks that come with that need to be accomplished, raking rocks, picking up pine cones, spreading mulch, pulling weeds, trimming bushes, and so many other time consuming tasks.

alternative mother's day gift ideas on the simple moms save them from yardwork

A Break :: for those of us who manage the day-to-day household and kid duties taking one day to let someone else plan, cook, and clean up from meals or handle all the dirty diapers and baths can really be a relaxing treat. Bonus points if you give her time for a nap or sitting in a favorite spot and having time to read a book.

What alternative ideas do you have to give to the mother who has everything this Mother’s Day?

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  • Nicole
    May 7, 2018 at 11:25 am

    I think flowers are a great Mother’s Day gift! They brighten the home and can be enjoyed by everyone

  • Dana Rodriguez
    May 4, 2018 at 10:55 am

    I love these ideas. Plants always make me happy!

  • Dandi D
    May 3, 2018 at 7:50 am

    I think every mother would love flowers!