3 In around the house/ good eats/ let's go outside/ tips and tools/ travel

we are still snackin’ on the go with jif {#GetGoing #MC #sponsored}

“I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Jif To Go Dippers. I received a sample to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.

Snacks and children go hand in hand. Not a day goes by that my children ask for a snack. Healthy or otherwise, snacks are a must around here. I always lean towards healthy AND easy to get to! When I was first introduced to the Jif To Go Dippers a little bit ago, I am happy to now give you an update. IMG_5261Since my original post, I too have went to the store and purchased more AND shared them with my friends! The Jif To Go Dippers are a quick and easy, “on-the-go” snack option! And since they were gobbled up so fast last time, like so fast I couldn’t snap any pictures, I thought I’d share some finger lickin’ pictures with you this time around!!

My older two girls are in competition dance. That means that three times a week we are picking them up from school, having a snack on the way (or if we are running early, we will eat it there) and heading to dance. We need quick and easy and a bit nutritious. Since being introduced to the Jif To Go Dippers, I’m happy to report it’s been a HUGE favorite of my girls!! And of course, my 3-year old who is constantly hanging with her big sisters wants in on the action!

Jif To Go Containers Lifestyle

You guys, most of all, these are so easy and work is not required with this snack. Everything is included.  I am not a huge fan of eat in in the car…like ever. However, this is one of the only snacks I’ll allow the kids to eat in the car. Reason being, hardly any mess. Period.

Jif To Go Containers

Easy and no mess makes for an absolute WIN!

As for me, since there are two flavors available, which one is my favorite? Well…it’s a toughie, but I would go with the Chocolate Silk Peanut Butter. Because…CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER Y’ALL!!!

What do you think? Will you or have you already went out and purchased some Jif To Go Dippers for either yourself or your family? Talk to me!

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  • Linda Madden
    November 11, 2014 at 5:31 am

    I’ve tasted these and they are good. A great snack . My children love them

  • Nicole Dz
    October 20, 2014 at 11:07 pm

    These Jiff on the go snacks look awesome for when the kids start getting fussy when out and about, also great for school lunches, a much better option too.

  • Helga/billsn beaks
    October 20, 2014 at 10:13 pm

    I would consider it if it were natural peanut butter.