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there’s a new stroller in town! #joovy #toofold @joovy

disclaimer no giveaway
joovy logoIf you are on Instagram and Twitter, you will have seen the new sidekick I will be sporting this summer. Not only will it be my new baby, but a stroller with a crazy cool name! I was recently sent the TooFold from Joovy…and wow. I have just begun diving in to all this stroller can do and I can’t be more thrilled with the outcome! You all know already that Joovy is a name that I trust whole-heartedly and LOVE as I’ve shared it over and over. To me, that’s a good sign to a great company with superior products. You can read more about all my Joovy loves **HERE**.

But for now…the Joovy TooFold.

Joovy TooFold LifeStyle

When I first saw it, I was blown away at how it transforms. It can be a single. It can be a double. It folds to barely nothing. There’s plenty of storage space while the stroller is up. Geesh, what’s this stroller missing?!?!  I know…you will kick it when you walk…that’s what I was thinking.  But…wrong!

My husband has been drooling over this stroller from the time I took it out of the box. When I was talking with Joovy, I was told that many guys love this stroller. So, I would definitely agree with this based on his take. It’s rugged looking yet it’s very maneuverable and can do what you need it to do, when you need it to do it!

IMG_3346 (1)One of the fabulous things about this stroller is the fact that it works for all heights. While my husband and I are on the shorter spectrum (around 5′ 6″), my sister and bro-in-law are much taller and have brought my kids out in this stroller.  I was testing them to see if they too would like it or have any complaints. Not once did they mention kicking the stroller while walking or having to duck down to reach the handles. This is when the step is out too, to accommodate a toddler standing on it.

IMG_3329 (1)

You guys – awesome stroller for all heights, no joke!

Some other things I adore about the stroller, outside of how rustic and fun it looks, are below:

  • The handle position can be changed to whatever. you. want. It can be flipped up, flipped down, out to the sides…whatever fits your fancy!
  • The storage space is endless. While there is an undercarriage storage area, there is an additional bag that fits on.  WHAT?!?!
  • The seat is super comfortable. The fabric is made out of a mesh material which makes is cushy and flexible. Many naps will take place here!
  • This stroller is simply perfect for the active family! One who is always on the go. With all the different ways you can transform the stroller, it’s sure to fit whatever adventure you have set out on for the day.
  • It comes in four different colors…blue, red, lemontree and black.
  • Easy to fold…as in putting up and taking it down. You can basically do it with one hand (and maybe a little help from the other).
  • When folded closed, it’s super compact! It can stand up all on it’s own or lay down.
  • Cup holder AND a zippered pouch in the canopy…GENIUS!!
  • There is an additional seat you can purchase to make it a double seated stroller. It seriously does it all!!

IMG_3356 (1)
IMG_3337 (1)Summer is just around the corner, which is so hard to believe after the crazy winter we had her win Michigan. If you are looking for a double or single stroller (with double capabilities once transformed), I highly encourage you to check out the Joovy TooFold. With the price of $799, this is a stroller that is superior to so many out there. It can do so much more!

So, would you do it? What do you love about this stroller that I’ve either told you about or that you have learned yourself?

joovy toofold :: $799

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  • TooFold Fan
    June 25, 2014 at 3:29 pm

    I absolutely love the bright yellow color of this stroller against black frame. The look and the design of TooFold really overpowers all the drawbacks like small canopy or small basket. I hope they keep improving this model. Susan

  • Ashley
    May 17, 2014 at 5:01 am

    Congratulations on getting to review something so nice! I love the comfort available and the ease of use. Considering the price tag, it makes sense to get those kinds of features, but it looks like the Joovy Too Fold delivers!

    • Shannon
      May 23, 2014 at 10:32 am

      Sure does deliver. Great for so many trips and journey’s a mom makes on a daily basis!! 😉