6 In beauty/ eco-friendly/ fashion for mama/ frugal living/ get healthy/ health/ money saving tips

the no poo challenge :: day 9

My sister recently embarked on a month-long “no ‘poo” escapade… She’s a hair stylist and is always trying crazy things with her hair. This one, I thought, was one of the craziest that she’s done yet! I mean… not washing her hair with shampoo for a month?? Crazy I tell ya! Crazy!

But like any good sister, I decided to give it a try too! haha… If you ever thought about trying this method, I thought I would share my experience so you can decide for yourself whether this is right for you or not.

Day 9 - No PooBackground:

I have semi curly hair. It is very thick both in number and in hair shaft diameter. My sister always complains when cutting my hair because it takes forever! haha… Usually curly hair needs less washes because it tends to be more on the dry side. The tricky part in my circumstance is that I have incredibly oily skin! Not a good combination. My roots end up oily and my ends are dry. Boo-hoo!

My method:

Day 1-9: I strictly used Apple Cider Vinegar when “washing” my hair. Apple Cider Vinegar acts as a conditioner and helps to restore the pH of your scalp. I “washed” my hair every 2-3 days using the following recipe:

2 cups water
2/3-1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar

Combine and put into a salon applicator bottle.

So far, my hair is doing ok… starting to get a tad greasy, but if I put a little bit of baby powder in my hair it seems to take away the greasy look. Don’t worry, baby powder will completely absorb into your hair and does not leave it white like you may think 🙂 I told myself I would stick it out for 2 full weeks using only Apple Cider Vinegar before trying another “no poo” method. If the grease doesn’t subside after that two weeks, I have other methods in mind. But for now… this seems doable! Wish me luck!

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  • Keara B.
    February 26, 2015 at 11:35 am

    I left a comment yesterday, but for some reason it looks like it never went through! Anyway, I wanted to thank you for sharing this because I’ve been really curious about how well this works. I tried washing my hair every other day, but I ended up starting to get dandruff. :/ Do you (or your sister) know if the no-poo system would work for that too? Thanks!

  • ellen beck
    February 26, 2015 at 2:58 am

    I might giive this apple cider vnegar a try, It sounds like it woud work and my hair is on the dry side.

  • Beth R
    February 25, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    I have been hearing about people doing this. I haven’t tried it, so I am anxious to see how it goes for you. Thanks for documenting it for your readers

  • Carinn
    February 25, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    We have used the no-poo method of baking soda to wash (1-2 Tbsp in a quart of warm water them scrub in and rinse) with a apple cider vinegar conditioner rinse (same measurements as the baking soda) for my oldest for almost a year now. It was night and day with her hair once I stopped using regular shampoo and conditioner and switched her to that particular method. So much healthier! Good luck!

  • Christine K
    February 25, 2015 at 12:27 pm

    usually 4 weeks is when it peaks (grease), but it gets better. i use rye flour forwashing, acv/water for conditioning. whatever you do, don’t use baking soda!

  • Keara B.
    February 25, 2015 at 12:05 pm

    I’ve heard about this and seriously considered trying it a few times, but I hate the feeling of greasy hair and wasn’t sure I could handle it! I recently tried washing my hair only every 2nd or 3rd day, but now I’m getting dandruff. 🙁 Do you (or your sister) know if the no-poo method would be good or bad for that? Thanks!