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teach your kids with a money savvy piggy :: review and giveaway

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money savvy generationDo you teach your kids that value and meaning of money?  It can be hard to teach them that you have to work for money.

My kids have just a regular piggy bank and get excited whether you putting a $1 in there or a penny.  They don’t care.  Being that they are 6 and 3, I can understand that.  My 6 year old is actually starting to realize how much things are worth and how much he actually has.  Getting to review the Money Savvy Pig has really helped farther his knowledge. money savvy pig

The pig has 4 sections that are separate and are labeled.  It clearly states Save, Spend, Donate and 20130725_155410Invest on the side as you can see in the picture to the right.  This had been helping my son understand what he can do with his money.  I let him choose which it will go into depending on how much it is.  He is really getting the hang of it and can’t wait for it to fill up.

I really think this is a great tool to help kids understand the meaning of what you should do with your money.  Start early so when they grow up they know what to do.

Money Savvy Pig :: $16.99

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One SIMPLE reader will win a money savvy pig. Enter via viral sweeps:

Giveaway ends July 27, 2013 at 12:00 am EST. Winner will be chosen randomly via viralsweep. Please reference Giveaway Rules on our About page before entering. Open to US residents aged 18 and over.

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  • Michele
    July 26, 2013 at 4:25 pm

    This is so amazing! How great to teach children the important thing in life and in a fun way!