2 In media/ tech stuff

take some time to unplug

“Love the one your with.” I think of this phrase so often as I think of my cell phone especially and all the ways it can pull me in different directions when the people I love are right in front of me longing for my attention.  Many times those people are my little people that I spend my days with.  While I feel thankful that I have the opportunity to be present with them, I realize that there are days that phone calls, emails, social media, my home business, and more can take me away from them more than I intend.  I think this is something so many can relate to.  We have so much of our lives wrapped up in our phones and computers that it’s hard sometimes to know when to put the phone down.

I’ve recently been intentional about not spending as much time on social media. I had it in my mind that I don’t want my two toddlers to have an image of their momma constantly on her phone in any down time that she has.  But even when I was not on social media,  I’d set my phone down and be ready to go about our morning and then life would happen.  I’d get a phone call and talk for 15 minutes,  a few texts would come through, I’d need to look up directions to the place we were meeting friends, my dinner recipe that I wanted to start was on my Pinterest page, and I needed to update my grocery list so here I was attached to my phone for just our every day things.

A friend of mine recently shared something she learned and I’ve loved the way it’s impacted my time over the last month.  The challenge is to unplug 1 hour a day, 1 day a week, and 1 week a year!  I love this idea!  One hour a day has given me both time to be productive and spend better time with my kids. The one day a week has been amazing for me too.  I make it a day over the weekend that I just keep my phone at a distance and try not to always grab it for things I don’t need! It’s not a strict “no phone” day but I use it for minimal things.  I’m also looking forward to a week this summer where we unplug too!  I think it will be great for our family all around.

While I know this 1 hour a day, 1 day a week, and 1 week a year isn’t the only or best way for everyone, I thought it was a great idea for our family.  What are the ways you find time to unplug?

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  • Ginny
    April 10, 2018 at 3:18 am

    I’ve been fiercely convicted about this recently. While our phones are such a productive tool, I’m so tired of myself for constantly clinging to it. I’ve never been able to delete my social media because of work, but I need to be far more intentional about putting my phone down. Out of sight and out of mind. I agree that I don’t want my children remembering me with my face in my phone.

  • Janet W.
    April 9, 2018 at 6:27 am

    We unplug as a family by playing tennis together! Nobody can be looking at their phones while playing tennis! 😉