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take along your “good camera” with camera coats :: review + coupon

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Best Camera Bag Camera Coats 250pxThe eternal debate of any photo loving parent: Do you, or don’t you, take your ‘good camera’ with you? On one hand you’d love to get some nice photos of your kiddos and family at the park/zoo/lake/random outing, on the other hand you really don’t have enough hands to carry the camera bag, your purse, the random kid gear, and still grab onto your kiddos when crossing the street.

camera bag for travel camera coatIn an effort to avoid being weighed down like an Urban Parenting Sherpa I had been leaving the camera at home. The extra baggage was just too much and I there was no way I was stashing my ‘good camera’ in my purse unprotected from bumps and those inevitable liquid leaks (like the lotion that wasn’t completely closed or the water bottle that didn’t have the cap on it entirely).

After too long of only having photos of my girls taken on my smartphone I decided to find a solution. Amazingly enough I quickly came across Camera Coats and now I can keep my camera close without all the extra bulk of a traditional camera bag.

camera gear for travelOf course, Camera Coats was another momma’s solution to the issue of protecting her camera so it shouldn’t come as a shock that they have such a great camera bag for moms! With so many options to choose from it took me a little searching to settle on the Camera Coat in the Glimmer of Paris/Black {*WaterProof} Rain Slicky. (right there —>)

Like all Camera Coats the Glimmer of Paris/Black {*WaterProof} Rain Slicky is padded and made in the USA. The inside is 100% cotton and the outside is cotton laminate. There’s a handy pocket on the outside for your lens cap (because losing that is a bummer) and my cell phone even fit in the pocket!

Red Damask Camera Coats Ditch your camera bagA Velcro closure keeps my Camera Bag closed when it’s traveling in my purse, and when I’m out actually taking photos the buckle on the side attaches it to my camera strap so I don’t have to worry about finding it again after I’m done.

My hubby and I have an upcoming (kid-free) vacation and I NEVER have taken our ‘good camera’ on these trips in the past. It was too much space to carry along the traditional camera bag, but with my Camera Coat I’m excited to finally have a camera bag for travel that won’t take up my entire carry on!

Thanks to Camera Coats for providing the above images, because taking photos of yourself actually using a Camera Coat is pretty much impossible. (Seriously, think about the logistics of that one!)

Glimmer of Paris/Black {*WaterProof} Rain Slicky :: $45.00

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A big thanks to Camera Coats for giving our readers 25% off any order until March 15, 2014 with coupon code SimpleMom.  This is not good with any other offer, but does apply to ALL items on their site! (Personally, I’m looking at the matching Camera Strap for my Camera Coat…)

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