3 In around the house/ fashion/ get healthy/ organize

spring clean out :: 3 areas to start removing clutter

With Spring officially here I am enjoying the increase in sunshine, daylight, and warmer temps. Of course, this also has me thinking that it’s time to do some spring cleaning and trek all those extra items we have accumulated since last summer to the local donation centers, charities, and resell shops.

Here are three areas to make a big impact on getting your house to have less clutter…

spring clean out on the SIMPLE moms

1. Seasonal Gear & Clothing :: unless you have a large amount of closet space or live in an area with no discernible seasons, it is just about time to put away the hats and mittens and get out the shorts and flip flops. Every year when it is time to make this great change I like to sort through the items the kids have outgrown, didn’t use all season, or have worn out. I also will do a sort through the stuff I am taking out for the new season. Does it fit? Is it still in style? Do I even LIKE the item? Did I loose patience at the end of last season and throw worn-out or stained items in storage? Anything that doesn’t make the cut gets donated or thrown away as needed.

spring clear out jewelry on the SIMPLE moms

2. Kids Toys :: even my kids have reached the point where they realize they have more toys than they need. If your kids are young, or the type of child that declares every toy to be a special toy, then I suggest sorting through their toys when they are NOT around to “help.” Thankfully, my older kids recognize when they are no longer playing with a toy and are pretty easy going about donating those items to younger friends or charities. Toys that can be saved for their younger brother get saved in a specific bin in our attic and I get them out for him when he’s ready for them.

spring clear out the pantry on the SIMPLE moms

3. Collections :: for every family this will look a little different. Our house has too many blankets, water bottles, and food storage containers – plus, it wouldn’t hurt if I donated some of the costume jewelry that I no longer wear. Your houses may have an abundance of coffee mugs, hair bows, baby gear, books, or sports equipment. Sort through what you actually use, what isn’t broken, and what would be better used by someone else.

After I’ve finished up with these big 3 areas I will be moving along to our pantry (are there any expired foods to throw out or non-perishables that are still good but we just won’t eat that can be donated to a local food bank?), food storage containers, and collection of blankets. There may be a lot to get done but with even just 30 minutes a day I can be ready to go well before summer with a less cluttered home.

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  • Melodie
    March 26, 2018 at 2:18 am

    Decluttering should be done every spring

  • Amy D
    March 22, 2018 at 11:38 am

    These are all areas that I need to clean out. I have clothes that I haven’t worn since for many years. I still have baby toys, and my youngest child will be 3 years old in 2 months. I totally need to clean out my spices too. Every time I open my cupboard a spice jar will fall out.

    • Carinn
      March 28, 2018 at 4:18 pm

      My kids didn’t know that I had shared these cleaning tips and took it upon themselves to clear out our pantry this week! I should have shared a tip to delegate to the kids! Hahaha