2 In back to school/ get healthy/ health

keeping healthy as you go #BackToSchool :: printable for kids

Since we homeschool, a lot of back to school necessities aren’t necessary for us. But one thing that I do think is really important it to remind my kids how to stay healthy. Even though we homeschool, we do spend one day a week learning with other homeschool families so I made a little print out for my kids to help them remember how to keep germs at bay. Several of my children are visual learners so although they’ve heard me say every single one of these things, it helps them to see it.

So here’s a list of healthy tips for kids. Not created for their parents, but made just for them. Just click the image below and print it out. Then post it somewhere visible, maybe even near the door so they can look at it on the way out every morning.

stay healthy


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  • Sarah Penney
    August 21, 2014 at 1:16 pm

    Printed this! I am a tiny bit of a germaphobe and kindergarten has got me all kinds of nervous! 🙂 How many times a day do I remind him about singing happy birthday twice? Probably 5. I put this on his bathroom mirror so we can review it at night.

  • Tammy S
    August 16, 2014 at 10:13 am

    Thanks for the great reminders. With school starting soon it won’t be to long until someone get’s sick.