1 In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear/ clean it up/ in the kitchen

skip hop zoo collection :: travel blankets (and more!) perfect for summer travel

disclaimer no giveaway

Skip-Hop-logoI have used my trusted SKIP HOP diaper bag for years.  I received it as a shower gift about 10 years ago and still use it to this day!  Three kids later, the bag is still in great shape!  I somehow never made the connection between my diaper bag and the adorable zoo collection until now.  That same brand makes the super cute animal-themed kids gear that I see around everywhere!  From travel gear to feeding gear to bedding, the SKIP HOP Zoo Collection is loaded with adorable options.

002With all of the summer travel we do, it’s so nice to have a few things on hand for my 2-year-old in case we are out and about during his normal nap time.  There are plenty of times we find ourselves having too much fun at a friend’s house or cottage that we end up staying through his nap.  We’ve found the Skip Hop travel blanket perfect for this situation.  The super cute animal blanket tucks right into a little pillow with a handle.  So he can carry it himself and cuddle up with it in the car or at a friend’s house.  Not only is it convenient, but it’s super soft and plush.
umbrellastockThe SKIP HOP Zoo Collection also boasts these adorable kid umbrellas.  Unlike most umbrellas that need to be held high (and seem to get whipped around everywhere if my toddler is carrying it), the SKIP HOP umbrellas are meant to be carried down low over the face.  There is a innovative “window” panel in the umbrella so the kids can see right through the umbrella while shielding themselves from the rain.  Because it is so domed, it seems to stay in place even in the wind whereas a typical umbrella likes to turn inside-out.  My little guy loves to carry his own umbrella instead of sticking close to me to share one.  He’s all about independence these days!

Check out the other SKIP HOP Zoo Collection options.  What would your little one love?


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  • Dandi D
    June 19, 2015 at 9:55 am

    These all look really fun and would make some great gifts!