1 In around the house/ baby gear/ health

simple, safe solutions :: oilogic

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I really can’t get enough of these summer days! We are enjoying everything about them, even the heat! We enjoyed watching thunderstorms out the window yesterday, and then had a blast playing in the puddles when the sun came back out. There’s something about seeing theseĀ litte things through the eyes of a child that brings an even greater appreciation for the simple things in life.
Along with summer fun comes some unwanted things like sunburn and bug bites! While we do our best to prevent them, sometimes they happen anyways. I love finding companies that are making steps to make safer products for us to use, especially with our children. Oilogic is a company doing just this thing. They have created a line of products using essential oils, safe to use on babies and toddlers. The products are already diluted with carrier oils, and the roller bottles are perfect to throw in the beach bag or diaper bag to use on those summer ailments like scratches and bug bites.

We are also loving their bath line, featuring lavender vapor bath and lotion. It smells wonderful, is gentle on their skin, and is the perfect calming addition to nightly baths after long days outside.
There are a variety of roll-ons including Stuffy Nose and Cough, Relax and Calm, and Ear and Tummy Trouble. My two favorites are the Bug Bites and Itches and Slumber and Sleep.

Slumber and Sleep– We’ve used this right before bed with both of our kids and it’s a great way to help them relax and get ready for a good night sleep! I love this product that I know is a safe way to help my kids get ready for the rest their bodies need.
Bug Bites and Itches-I know how frustrating it can be to have a bug bite that itches, so I love this product that I can give to my little guy when he’s bothered by a little bite!

Summer is in full swing and it has been my favorite one yet! I can’t wait for more vacations, campfires, and cookouts!

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  • Dana Rodriguez
    June 19, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    These sound like really nice products! I think I would love the bath line.