5 In around the house/ clean it up/ organize

simple garage organization with monkey bar storage :: review

disclaimer no giveaway

logoSpring is on the way! I know you don’t all live in the frozen north, but it has been a long winter. Now that the temperatures are above freezing and the sun in shining, my kids are ready to play! Which means I had to haul out the balls and bikes and camp chairs and skateboards. And the I wondered what to do with it all! We don’t have a lot of extra space in our garage, so we need all the floor space we can get just for parking cars. I needed to find a better way to store our things.

shelving_menu_picThankfully Monkey Bar Storage has thought through all of our storage issues and come up with some amazing solutions. From shelving, cabinets and flooring (total garage makeover!) to overhead storage , accessories and work benches, Monkey Bars has it all. Monkey Bar can help anyone clean up their garage to make it a functional space for your family. An organized garage makes things so much more enjoyable with friends and family. Even my kids know where to find things (and put them away)! And I can spend more time playing with my children than searching for toys.

granite_motorcycle_3While a total garage makeover might be in order for my garage, for now I’m doing my best to make the space we have as user-friendly as possible.  With three kids, two dogs, two cars and a two-car garage, we need to be able to fit quite a bit of “stuff” in our garage.  More than once, I have backed out of my garage only to hear a familiar crunch of running something over.  Kids sports gear was our biggest issue and the one I needed to tackle before spring soccer (and bike, skateboard, baseball) season.

monkeybarI was thrilled to find the large sports storage rack from Monkey Bar.  This sports rack holds so much gear.  In about 48 inches of wall space, I am able to store ten or more balls, three camp chairs, an umbrella stroller, a skateboard, a pogo stick, a hockey stick, a bike helmet and some training cones.  The bag alone is worth the purchase cost.  The opening on the front of the bag makes it easy to retrieve and put away balls.  So my kids (and their friends) know where to find them and how to put them away.

Check out the other products and services Monkey Bar Storage offers and find the closest dealer to you (mine is here)!

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  • shelly peterson
    March 15, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    These are awesome options for storage in the garage, seems like there is never enough room. These are great at keeping everything organized, my son in law would love this in his garage.

  • Keara B.
    March 13, 2015 at 5:15 pm

    Dang… my husband would LOVE these. He’s always looking for ways to organize our garage. I swear, it’s a part-time job for him. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, I’ll show this to him when he gets home!

  • Elisabeth
    March 13, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    This is great for our townhome since we only have a 1 car garage!

  • Rebecca Parsons
    March 13, 2015 at 3:36 pm

    I love that you can hang tons of things from. I wish we had something like this for the garage. Organization is not my husbands thing in the garage.

  • Dagmar Moretti
    March 13, 2015 at 11:57 am

    wow these would be great in our garage!! I love how organized it is