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rollin’ in style with the gb evoq 4-in-1 travel system :: review

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A few months back I started to build a baby registry for the little one I have on the way. Not because I expected anyone else to be purchasing off this registry, but more so as a way for me to keep track of the items I needed to get before our little guy makes his appearance. There were some easy choices and some difficult ones, but by far the most taxing choices came when I reached the stroller and carseat department.

GB Evoq Travel System_Sterling_3-4 view_with Asana35 AP Infant Car Seat_preferred press photo_3000After becoming completely overwhelmed with all the options, I decided that I needed to really think about the features I liked and/or wanted in a stroller. Thinking back on my previous stroller experience with my older two kids was extremely helpful and after some thought I came up with my ultimate stroller/infant carseat wish list to find.

click on seatsIdeally I would be able to find a travel system (stroller and infant car seat) that ‘clicked’ together securely. The infant car seat would be easy to install safely with or without the latch system and would come with the car seat base. The stroller could not be bulky, but should have a large cargo space, fold up easily, have front wheels that could swivel for easy turning or be locked into place as needed. The stroller should also have a seat that completely reclined without any jerky movements (no waking a sleeping baby or toddler please), a cup holder for mama, and be able to fit my kiddo for quite some time.

A couple weeks back the GB Evoq 4-in-1 Travel System with the GB Asana35 Infant Car Seat arrived at my house and I was ecstatic. It was like Christmas morning for this pregnant lady when I opened up the box with all my travel system pieces and discovered just how easy it was to assemble the stroller (pop on the wheels and cup holder) as well as to use the actual stroller with the infant car seat or toddler seat.

Duo Side pull releases for stroller folding

All my “must haves” in one travel system? SCORE!! When your baby is little and using the Asana35 Infant Car Seat just attach the carseat directly to the stroller frame. After they outgrow the infant car seat stage you can attach the toddler seat in a rear or forward facing position up to 50 lbs. and 45 inches height!

Besides for all the features I was looking for the stroller also had a telescoping handle to adjust for different heights as well as a built in toddler running board for those of you who have kids who sometimes need to hitch a ride but don’t make you need a double stroller. Oh yeah, and if you want an extra car seat base for your second vehicle? Just call their customer care number to order!

I can’t wait for our little guy to arrive in a few weeks so he can be rollin’ in style!

practicing with the GB Evoq Travel system

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  • Lexie
    August 11, 2015 at 11:16 pm

    Where did you find the customer care number? I need to order an extra base and I can’t find it 🙂

  • Denise Taylor-Dennis
    March 23, 2015 at 8:28 am

    This looks like a great stroller system I like the extra large canopy.

  • Janet W.
    March 22, 2015 at 6:55 am

    I love how easy it was to put together! Sounds like a great system!

  • shelly peterson
    March 20, 2015 at 8:45 pm

    This is a nice long travel system. I love that it has a telescoping handle to adjust for different heights and a built in toddler running board.

  • Christine
    March 20, 2015 at 1:35 am

    The glider idea is so cool and I love the colors that this stroller came in.