9 In books & learning/ media

three simple tips to happiness #iwassupposedtobehappy

bookcoverHow happy are you?  No really, if you stop and think about it, ARE you truly happy?  Everyone isn’t perfect and happy. There is a book that addresses the theme of ‘Perfection and Happiness’ and how the two do not go hand in hand. This story is for every woman who has bought into the lies of advertising and commercialization – that you have to be perfect to be happy. Because guess what you don’t have to be!!

Lisa Henriksson understands that perfection tendencies and the far-reaching effects of advertising telling us “we must have the perfect life to be happy” is universal theme, and she is traveling the globe, speaking and sharing her story to say, no more!

Henriksson openly shares her real-life story, one where she seemed to have everything put together but really, physical pain, stress and sadness were everyday companions.

I wanted to share with you her book, “I was supposed to be happy.”  This story is for those ‘who have everything you need and ever wanted and still lie awake at night thinking something is missing.’

I invite you to take a look at her book and encourage you to read it.  It is very eye opening and a great read.  I Was Supposed to Be Happy is the story of woman’s journey battling with common themes many women face: self-judgment, living within the confines of the “approval trap” and living out of other people’s expectations.lisa

Lisa was kind of enough to personally put together her 3 favorite tips to happiness!

1)    Acknowledge yourself!  Many people look for someone else to acknowledge them when they’re not acknowledging themselves – My opinion is that you can not receive adoration until you learn to adore yourself! Actively choose to see what’s beautiful and amazing about you and your life instead of what’s missing and what’s wrong. When you wake up, see the sunlight streaming through the window, not the wallpaper that needs fixing. When the familiar voice in your head says there’s something wrong with you or that you’re not good enough, just say to yourself, Stop! Then tell yourself, I’m brilliant, just the way I am.

2)    Add things and people that make you happy! Cut out what’s not working in your life and add things and people that make you happy. Sign up for that yoga class you never seem to have time for. Set aside a night to have dinner with friends who make you smile. Paint your office. Go out dancing. Book that trip that you always wanted to go on. Shake things up! Most of us keep creating our lives more or less within our comfort zone. Repeating slightly different versions of past choices feels familiar and makes us able to predict the outcome. Even though this often means that we recreate undesirable and destructive situations, we imagine that stepping out of our comfort zone to try something new must be worse. What could you choose if you knew that was a lie?

3)    Stop judging and embrace this idea: “What if there’s nothing wrong with me?”  Instead of judging your body because you think it’s not thin enough or toned enough to fit media-set expectations, try expressing your gratitude for its wisdom and its beauty, for all it’s done for you, for how it’s carried you through your life and still does. If you find yourself wanting to switch career paths—to leave that perfect job for a startup or one that pays less but will make you happier—instead of judging yourself for being foolish, you might congratulate yourself for daring to choose something different, something you feel is right.

What do you think of this book? Would this be something you would pick up and read? Are these tips something you can put into effect?  They seem pretty easy right! 

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  • Liam Phillips
    May 5, 2016 at 9:10 am

    I love this article, simple and direct… Happiness has always been a choice for me. I am always amazed at how we over complicate that choice. How many of us never acknowledge ourselves as the beautiful bodies and beings we truly be? How many of have made our bodies wrong? What if we just asked what is right about us we are not getting? What if life was not about always cutting things off but what or who we could add?

    Thank you Lisa

  • Kari
    April 27, 2016 at 7:02 pm

    This book just made it’s way on to my online shopping cart!! 🙂

    • Jaime
      April 27, 2016 at 8:06 pm

      That’s awesome!! =)

  • Christina A.
    April 22, 2016 at 11:49 pm

    I love these ideas–they are so true! I would read this!

  • Elisabeth
    April 22, 2016 at 11:04 am

    This is definitely a book I would read! I’m actively trying to add things and people into my life that make me happy, life’s too short to be unhappy!

    • Jaime
      April 22, 2016 at 1:56 pm

      I couldn’t agree more. I am doing the same as well. =)

  • Sarah Hayes
    April 22, 2016 at 10:14 am

    I love these tips! especially #3. sometimes thats hard to do but it makes a big difference.

    • Jaime
      April 22, 2016 at 1:56 pm

      You are so right Sarah. =)

  • Maryann D.
    April 22, 2016 at 5:17 am

    I really would like to read a book that addresses the theme of ‘Perfection and Happiness’. This sounds so interesting and seems like it would help all of us.