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no more panty lines with dear kate yoga pants :: review

disclaimer no giveaway

DearKate_smOil and water. Toothpaste and orange juice. Yoga pants and panty lines. Some things just don’t mix. But what’s a girl to do? I always thought there were two options: wear regular underwear and rock those panty lines (while hoping that no one will notice when, of course, everyone will) or wear a thong (which can be, quite literally, a pain in the butt—especially when they rise up during your practice or a long run). For years now, I’ve just gone the thong route. But I’ve recently discovered something better. Much better. Going commando. In Dear Kate yoga pants.

yogashortI’ve tried the commando route before. But it never felt right. I was super self-conscious. Working out = sweating. Having three children = not as much control as I once had. Dear Kate totally gets it! And they have designed the perfect yoga pants for everything from yoga to running to just wearing around town. These yoga pants are completely opaque (if you’ve been to the gym, you’ve noticed the women who don’t realize their leggings are practically sheer) and are made with an Underlux fabric liner to give you a little back-up. Just in case.

These leggings are the best. I’ve worn them running errands, at a WERQ class, to a play date and to my kids’ school. They have great long seams that elongate the leg (this is a big deal for me!) and I have NO panty lines, no bunched undies and no thong! And I’m going to go ahead and keep it real here, Ladies. The perfectly placed seams mean no camel toe!dearkate 002 (3)

dearkatevisualDear Kate is not only about yoga pants, either. In fact, they are well-known for their amazing “period panties” (I might as well go there, too). Some info straight from dearkates.com “…chemical engineer Julie Sygiel knew there had to be a better alternative to “period panties” and embarrassing mishaps. So she hit the lab and developed the silky-soft, patent-pending fabric behind each pair of Dear Kates. Made in NYC, each pair is wicking, stain releasing, and leak-resistant—preparing you for everything from cardio to just another day with aunt flo.”

Check them out, Ladies.  I know you’ll love them as much as I do.  And, just for fun, weigh in on your thoughts about VPL (visible panty lines)!

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  • Denise Taylor-Dennis
    January 29, 2015 at 9:11 am

    These look great for workouts. I personally don’t like having panty lines.

  • Gina
    January 27, 2015 at 2:37 pm

    I’m with you ladies! Comfort + NO VPL = the perfect workout pant!

  • Keara B.
    January 27, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    I thought I was the only one who was annoyed by the pantyline vs. uncomfortable thong debate. 🙂 This is a great idea. I have having see-through exercise clothes, so I’d love to try these!

  • Amy Orvin
    January 27, 2015 at 10:52 am

    I would love to try a pair. Who wants to see panty lines when you are working out.